Sandy Bridge to Ivy Bridge?


May 4, 2013
I have a ASRock B75M-DGS Motherboard that has an Intel i3-2120 CPU. I was told I could upgrade to the i5, 17 ivy bridge.. I am about to purchase an i5-3470 Ivy Bridge. will this work ok?
Its for a budget gaming computer. the i3 isnt bad but it chokes a bit on some newer games. gonna slap a Nvidia GTX 660 in there aswell. I picked up the i5 on for 185 with shipping.

Thanks everyone for the help, this is a great site
Core i3 Sandy up to Core i5 Ivy probably is worth it (performance-wise), in the future if not right now. Personally, though, I'd probably wait and keep half an eye out for a really good deal on a Core i7 Ivy. Or I wouldn't upgrade at all.

I don't see much point in half measures. If you're worried about core counts going forward, then the ~30% practical core-count boost from Hyperthreading is not to be ignored. On the other hand, if you're satisfied with the i3 as of right now and for the foreseeable future, you're probably best off riding the i3 as long as you can, and then going whole hog on a new mobo/CPU from whatever generation is current at the time.

On the other other hand (hehe), if Intel's current rate of progress holds true, you won't see a truly massive boost in (per-core) performance for probably 3-4 generations -- and there is a practical limit on how much various applications can be multi-threaded. So a current i7 may perform competitively for a really long time.

As Someone Somewhere says, the matter really rests on the OP's usage habits.

Hehe, well that settles that then. The i5's a great processor; I know you'll be happy with it. :)
yeah im really just into the COD titles, GTA, Zombies stuff, etc.. Im hoping to get Crysis 3 worthy haha. I think the i5 and a 660 will get me there. I know I could have saved a bit more and jumped on an i7 but I really liked the deal newegg had. I read alot of reviews and it looks like it should hold me over for a few years
The i5 is a good upgrade but since you're moving from the 2120 which is a fine CPU, you should wait another month and get the 4670k which is the Haswell equivalent of the 3570k.