I'm looking to do a graphics card upgrade for the first time in a very long time. Currently I have a gtx 460 . So 200 bucks or under is my max for spending. The sapphire nitro rx-480 4gb is going for 194 on newegg currently. I have seen gtx 1060 3gb for 200 bucks. Seems to me the 480 is a better deal as it's a bit cheaper and has more vram. But looking at all the head to head benchmarks it almost seems like th 1060 is a bit faster. I'm not a huge gamer in the sense that I'll be playing wow legion, guild wars 2 mostly but I would like to also get battlefield 1. I'm leaning toward the 480 but I do like NVidia so it's a tough call. Any advice at this price point would be appreciated. My PC does have an intel i7 and I will be playing at least for now in 1080. No 4k for me in the relative future.