Sapphire 7970 OC w/Boost- Can't overclock


Sep 2, 2013
I have the same problem as this person from a older thread:

1) Clocks won't go over or stabilise on 1000/1450 @ 1050VDDC (1.050v) . Voltages are default reset in Sapphire Trixx. But MSI Afterburner shows that it is 1025.

2) Artifacts and crashes (Using Heaven 4.0 and Battlefield 3 multiplayer).

Had to revert to BIOS 1 at its stable clock of 950/1425 @ 1.050v.

Anyone knows what is wrong with the card or what i am doing wrong?

That seems like a good enough power supply. In MSI afterburner did you select unlock voltage control and force constant voltage? Which card do you have exactly? Try using higher voltages until it's stable. Watch your temps closely. Hopefully you didn't get a voltage locked card... But if you did it shouldn't be that hard to unlock. And then again you could just have a dud on your hands. overclocking headroom isn't guaranteed.


I will try what you've said, thanks :)

Also, do you know what's the max clocks and voltages that you have seen or known? I know everyone's cards are different, but at least i can try using it to set a min/max.

I personally do not know because I don't have one of those cards. Usually you can push the voltage as far as the slider goes in MSI afterburner. You want to try and use less voltage if possible because then your card will produce less heat and use less power. From my research people usually bump up the voltage to around 1.7v to 2.25v to get very nice overclocks.

It seems that my voltage is stuck at 1062mV and doesn't go over it. Any way that i can unlock it?