Sapphire hd 7750


Feb 28, 2013
hey guys,
i was just wondering if the 2gb model of the sapphire hd 7750 would work with my rig as i was going to build it with the 1 gb ddr
my rig:
AMD Athlon II X4 640 Socket AM3 3GHz 2MB L2 Cache
Biostar A780L3C Socket AM3 VGA 6 Channel Audio mATX Motherboard
Crucial 4GB DDR3 1333MHz Memory
Seagate 1TB Barracuda Internal Hard Drive
Liteon Ihas120 20x Dvd±rw (dual ±r)/ram Sata Drive
CIT 400W Dual 12V Rail PSU V2.2- 12cm Fan - 20+4pin 3x SATA 1x PCI-E

yeah i might sound like a noob lol i'm sorry :lol: but im new to this and am going to build a pc for myself.

yes it will but i dont see the point of going with 2 gigs..i know more sounds better and faster but the 7750 gpu is not fast enough to utilize the 2 gigs of ram and they will charge you more for extra memory
if you have a pcie power avaliable you should go for the 7770 and i've never heard of CIT...get a psu from antec or corsair as they have quality power supplies...dont cheap out on the power supply because if its crap it can fry everything its connected to

thanks for the reply 😀 i was just wondering if there was any difference so i thought i would just ask, but yeah i was thinking of getting a better psu as CIT is pretty unheard of, yeah i'm extremely new to this so i'm sorry if i asked a dumb question :)

btw sorry to be a hassle but what corsair psu's would be compatible with my rig?