O oficiall Reputable May 14, 2014 8 0 4,510 Oct 27, 2015 #1 can this gpu fit on this case http://www.aerocool.us/strikex/strikex_one.html
Solution G G glamdringfh Oct 27, 2015 Yes, that case can fit the NITRO R9 390: From the case specs above: "Max length space available for PCI slots = 400mm" SAPPHIRE NITRO R9 390 8G Full Length: 395mm Going to be tight, but it will JUST fit.
Yes, that case can fit the NITRO R9 390: From the case specs above: "Max length space available for PCI slots = 400mm" SAPPHIRE NITRO R9 390 8G Full Length: 395mm Going to be tight, but it will JUST fit.
E Evan_6 Reputable Oct 13, 2015 196 0 4,690 Oct 27, 2015 #2 go to pcpartpicker.com it will tell you. along with many other things (it does a compatibly check) everyone uses this site it will tell you if any piece or option you have wont be compatible Evan Upvote 0 Downvote
go to pcpartpicker.com it will tell you. along with many other things (it does a compatibly check) everyone uses this site it will tell you if any piece or option you have wont be compatible Evan
G glamdringfh Dignified Dec 23, 2013 2,993 1 14,960 Oct 27, 2015 Solution #3 Yes, that case can fit the NITRO R9 390: From the case specs above: "Max length space available for PCI slots = 400mm" SAPPHIRE NITRO R9 390 8G Full Length: 395mm Going to be tight, but it will JUST fit. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Yes, that case can fit the NITRO R9 390: From the case specs above: "Max length space available for PCI slots = 400mm" SAPPHIRE NITRO R9 390 8G Full Length: 395mm Going to be tight, but it will JUST fit.
S Shylon Reputable Oct 16, 2015 7 0 4,520 Oct 28, 2015 #4 glamdringfh : Yes, that case can fit the NITRO R9 390: From the case specs above: "Max length space available for PCI slots = 400mm" SAPPHIRE NITRO R9 390 8G Full Length: 395mm Going to be tight, but it will JUST fit. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpudb/b3357/sapphire-nitro-r9-390.html it is 308 mm = 30.8 CM in length. Upvote 0 Downvote
glamdringfh : Yes, that case can fit the NITRO R9 390: From the case specs above: "Max length space available for PCI slots = 400mm" SAPPHIRE NITRO R9 390 8G Full Length: 395mm Going to be tight, but it will JUST fit. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpudb/b3357/sapphire-nitro-r9-390.html it is 308 mm = 30.8 CM in length.