SAPPHIRE R265 Problem


Dec 6, 2014
Hi, I bought a Sapphire R265 last month, after I install all the latest 14.9 AMD driver I began to have problems.
First of all, my desktop was running Win8, while I was playing LOL the screen turned to grey and freeze after 5-10 min of gaming. It had the same problem when I play WOW, but the screen turned into red. I thought it was the temperature problem, but at that time the GPU was like 60-70C and CPU is around 65C. So I tried to uninstall the latest driver, and install an order version, still it did not work.
I also tried install Win7 system, but still had the same problems. And now, I can not even run a benchmark test properly, the screen turned into black during the middle of process (don't think it freeze, but the screen went black). It happened also when I tried to do the windows assessment.

Any solutions??Thanks a lot!!!!

Oh, is that right?I thought I had a good deal on newegg, because that R265 was 40 dollars off the regular price but it was refurbished. I will go and plan to return it. Thanks for the advice.