If the 2GB version is $50 less than the 4GB version then get it. If the 4GB version is only $10-$30 more then might as well spend a little extra and get it.
If the 2GB version is $50 less than the 4GB version then get it. If the 4GB version is only $10-$30 more then might as well spend a little extra and get it.
Modern games and applications are requiring alot of VRAM, so in theory the 4GB will be more future-proof, but as dovah said, depends on the price, an abusive higher price is a bad deal.
May I play games like shadow of mordor with 50-60 fps with sapphire R9 270X 4 GB? If so then I will buy the 4 GB.
I will use an intel core i7 and 8 GB Ram.
Totally agree with dovah-chan. That is exactly right. At 1080p the toxic should perform better. But if price difference isn't much then might be worth getting the 4gb version.
If you haven't bought the i7 yet then I would just save your money and use the extra $100 and get an R9 285 or the R9 290. An i5 4440 or the 4690K at the most are the best price/performance ratio components for gaming. Unless you do a lot of video editing and such then you don't need the extra threads and 2MB of L2 cache that the i7 has over the i5 (which doesn't make a difference in a ton of games).
I will not buy a R9 280 or R9 290. I will buy a sapphire R9 270X. So 4 GB will be better, I suppose. I have old core 2 duo E8400 with GB ram and Asus EAH HD 4650 1 GB DDR2. I cannot play games as I wish. I do not think R9 270X is a bad card at all.