Sapphire Toxic OC R270X Capability


Dec 13, 2016
So this is my first gaming PC, bought second hand from a friend of a friend.

I have the i7 4790k CPU
Sapphire Toxic edition 270X.

I am wondering how well this card is going to withstand todays games. I have played Insurgency on the highest settings with AAliasing on, and i was getting 170-200fps. On Arma 3 however i was getting a steady 60 with Vsync on on the lowest settings?? I am not bothered about the highest settings with 1,000,000fps, however i would like to play games on the highest settings possible whilst maintaining a smooth gameplay. I would choose smooth gameplay and more fps over high settings and low fps. Also the highest temps ive ever seen so far are 66°C (GPU) and low 60°C (CPU).
Thanks :)
not really. they have protections built in to keep it from using too much voltage or to get too hot. of course if you turn off the protections, then you're on your own :)

but normal overclocking and torture testing is safe to do.
the 270x is a decent 1080p card with reduced settings. any more than that and it will start to choke a bit.

you will just have to adjust the settings on a per game basis as needed to get the fps you want. otherwise some more gpu power will be needed. a 270x is about the same as a new 1050ti so you can check out benchmarks of that card to get a basic idea what you can expect in newer games.

Okay thanks, can i damage the GPU by working it too much? obviously if its uncapable i will see by the FPS and reduce settings straight away, i just want to do a bit of testing :)