Sapphire Tri-x 290x OC - Weird beeps.


Jan 10, 2013
Hello everyone,
My friend bought recently a Sapphire Tri-x 290x OC Edition and found out that this video card will beep, when it's at 100% load.

He has a Corsair 750w PSU 80+ Silver.
Not sure about the motherboard/ram, i know then CPU is an FX AMD, think 8350.

He already made sure that everything was plugged in correctly,
This problem appears only when the video card will be at full load, in his case playing BF4 in ultra settings,after 2-3 minutes of gaming the video card will start to make these beep sounds.

Myself i have no idea what it could be, so i decided to ask you, bellow there's a link to a sound file,you will hear 3 beeps.

Beep sounds

We also know that it isn't a temperature problem, since he set up the fans of the gpu to spin faster when the temperature goes up too fast.

He also did not overclock it (yet).

Hope someone can figure out what's going on and help us

