SAPPHIRE TRI-X R9 290 Price Drop?


Oct 4, 2014
I have been using PC Part picker to watch a few parts and I saw that recently the SAPPHIRE TRI-X R9 290 recently dropped in Price or was at least a decent amount cheaper. I can't find out the reason and it seems like sites other than New Egg has the price I was expecting. Why is it cheaper? (And should I just Wait till Black Friday/ Cyber Monday?)

And then there is the R9 285. I am looking at it because it is a little cheaper and It specifically says it supports Direct x 12.

( R9 290-New Egg )
The reason might be that they are not getting any sale and have dropped the prices so the people buy their card instead of the other brands. In terms of performance it give same as the other brands and will be silent too. And don't go for the r9 285 it gives less performance and you shouldn't be expecting dx 12 in games anytime soon since dx 11 to be honest isn't mastered by so many people. And you can still expect some good games from dx 11 for another year. And it is not like that dx 12 games will not run on dx 11.
The reason might be that they are not getting any sale and have dropped the prices so the people buy their card instead of the other brands. In terms of performance it give same as the other brands and will be silent too. And don't go for the r9 285 it gives less performance and you shouldn't be expecting dx 12 in games anytime soon since dx 11 to be honest isn't mastered by so many people. And you can still expect some good games from dx 11 for another year. And it is not like that dx 12 games will not run on dx 11.


Aug 25, 2014

how much cheaper is the other gpu. here is a R9 290 windforce tri-x for $169.99 with free shipping from ncixus

it seems they are dropping the prices from the r9 290s since everyone is buying 970s