Sapphire Trixx voltage N/A on Sapphire HD 7870


Oct 27, 2013
Hi guys,
For some unknown reason the voltage is n/a in Sapphire Trixx and Im not able to increase its value. Same thing applies in MSI Afterburner, the voltage control is locked. Im using the latest driver 16.3.2. AMD Catalyst has been replaced with a new control panel called Radeon Crimson, it does not offer the feature to unlock the core voltage as it did on AMD Catalyst. Any idea how I can overcome this issue?
It's voltage locked. You can't really u lock it without flashing the bios. You would have to use bios editor to flash it because the bios flashing for different bios is dangerous. Make sure it's not hardware voltage locked though
It's voltage locked. You can't really u lock it without flashing the bios. You would have to use bios editor to flash it because the bios flashing for different bios is dangerous. Make sure it's not hardware voltage locked though