Sata 3 on sata 2


Nov 6, 2012
Current HDD Samsung HD501LJ having Short SDT Fail

want to upgrade to a WD Blue WD10EZEX whice is sata 3
But my motherboard ASRock n68 vs3 ucc supports only Sata 2.

i know it has backwards compatibility but the point is. im paying for 6GB/s but dont get 6GB/s

so my question is how much i will ?
SATA I (revision 1.x) interface, formally known as SATA 1.5Gb/s, is the first generation SATA interface running at 1.5 Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 150MB/s.

SATA II (revision 2.x) interface, formally known as SATA 3Gb/s, is a second generation SATA interface running at 3.0 Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 300MB/s.

SATA III (revision 3.x) interface, formally known as SATA 6Gb/s, is a third generation SATA interface running at 6.0Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 600MB/s. This interface is backwards compatible with SATA 3 Gb/s interface.
The point i have now is. my BF4 loads to long + my hard drive fails the Short DST. i want to take a Sata 3 one because of the faster rates.

but at this point it is useless for me to pay for a sata 3 drive if my mobo supports sata 2.

whice means or i buy a new motherboard now and later a new hard drive

or a new hard drive and later a AM3+ motherboard

My CPU is a X4 640 WIll this be supported on a AM3 + ?
The loading really takes 4-7 minutes whice is really annoying. when i join they are like already almost on 50% of the match

What i think the long loading is because the Short DST error i get + the low read / write speed of my current hdd


I recommend a SATA 3 drive now, even if your motherboard doesn't support it. When you upgrade to AM3+ or 1150 motherboard it will then be used to its full potential. How much RAM do you have? and what graphics card? those are important factors too.
My specs are
X4 640
4gb ddr3 1600MHz
XFX 7770 Double Dissipation 1GB

I know these specs arent great. but i think they are great for my level gaming ( medium / high BF4)
i play Medium on 60FPS and High at 30-40 FPS

Also in game i found stuttering + the sound is repeating on that moment. this isnt that extreme but when im running park dale whice puts a big file on my hard drive to test its read and write. these problems become Extreme so i am sure it is my hard drive.

i am probably gonna buy a motherboard + hard drive in 1 buy.

I just thinked about this

Sata 3 is most likely used for SSD and SSHD.
A normal HDD in my case ( WD Blue 10ezex) will never pass the limit of Sata 2
So i dont need to buy a new motherboard with Sata3 since the WD10 will never pass Sata 2 ?

Sata 2 shouldn't be causing issues, I think its a lack of RAM meaning it has to write to the disk to make up for the lack of RAM and that's where the errors are rooted.

i still think its my hard drive.

its read and write aren't that great. 60 read and write i guess ( Any other suggested porgram ?)
Also it has a Short DST error. and if u google that they say replaced it asap

My bF4 takes 4-7 mins to load and that means Loading map takes the longest. And the map is on my Hard drive. and with a slow read + the short dst it can take a while i guess to load the map

Use Crystal Disk info or Hard disk sentinel to test the HDD. what are u testing with now? are you doing disk defragmentation on the HDD in windows?

i used to use parkdale i will try crystal right now
[05] reallocated sectors count
[C5] current pending sector count
[C6] uncorrectable sector rount

i dont know if those company hours are right but if so i am at 19505 hours lol 😛

You're right the maps load FROM the hard drive into RAM. Ram Is considerably faster to work out of as opposed to constantly accessing the hdd. Games would he sluggish . I'm suggesting that the 4gb of system ram gets used up quickly and Windows uses the hdd to make up for lacking RAM. When this happens it forces the game to work out of the hdd as well and that causes the sluggishness. So yes it's hdd being slow causing the problem I agree. But it's happening because 4gb of ram is generally bare minimum these days.

Okay !

the problem is 2 years ago my ram stick costed 16 euro. Just 16 euro brand new DDR3 160MHz 4GB
i wanted to buy a new one but saw they are already 44 euro.

i cant afford that since i need to replace my hard drive + Ram + i need to save up for my driving licence

But the main question is will i note alot difference when i change my current HDD to the WD10ezex. also i readed an article and saw u can jump the pin 5 and 6 vertical to get 30% more

Any confirms ?