(sata) can't connect Dvd reader


Jan 28, 2015
I'm hiting a wall and i would like to ask a question before i start buying adapters and consider a messy data transfer for a 3rd drive.

My motherboard has 4 SATA ports and 1 IDE, this last one i used for my dvd reader/burner that i still use from time to time, thing is, it broke, so i bought a replacement and it had SATA connections, saving me the molex connection and using the available SATA ports just like my 2 drives (1 ssd and 1 hard drive)

When i enter bios i can indeed select which drive is used to boot, in this case i use the SSD, now on another section i can determine the master and slave thing and it displays essentially 2 channels

channel number 1, says that SATA 0 and SATA 2 are Master ands slave
Channel number 2, says that SATA 1 and SATA 3 are master and slave respectively.

this means 0 and 1 are master, 2 and 3 are slaves.

I had both hard drives connected to 0 and 1, so they were both masters, leaving me with 2 sata connections to connect the dvd drive.

While it is detected, in windows i can't access the dvd drive, in fact if i replace the hard drive with the dvd, i lose connection to the hard drive but i gain access to the dvd drive, so it seems with 4 sata ports i can connect 2 devices?

This confused me beyond expectation

If that's the case, why is there a slave? it seems nothing is detected as a slave so no matter what i connect there, i detect in bios but not in windows.

I don't have 2 IDE.

What i have is an ssd connected to SATA 0 (master) and a HDD to SATA 1 (master), whatever i connect to SATA 2 and 3 isn't detected in windows

My current situation is that i can see my SSD and HDD (along side with the partitions) but i have no access to the new dvd drive, so how do i get access to the dvd drive without using somekind of SATA to IDE converter.

I mean the sata ports are there, so why can't i use them?
Device manager under reading units only displays my virtual clone drive, not the dvd drive i just installed, no errors.
In Bios however or when the pc is booting, i can see all 3 devices (the ssd, the hdd and the dvd drive)
[strike]What is the make and model of the motherboard? [/strike]What is your full system spec?

got chipset driver install?

Don't just look for the drive, is there any error/warning on the device manager? And make sure turn on the show disable devices too.
Full system specs? i don't think that is required

No i don't have chipset driver install, the dvd drive did install and worked perfectly when used on one of the master conections (sata 1) but neither the hdd or the dvd drive will work on slaves

There are no errors, the dvd drive just isn't there at all.

The question is, how do i connect anything to the slave sata connections? IS there an option in bios that i'm missing?