Don't know how you thought SATA2 was faster than SATA3. ;D The numbering alone should be
enough for correct inference. Afterall, who thinks Terminator 3 came out before Terminator 2? 😉
Anyhoo, doesn't matter, just Google, have a read of the SATA wiki page, plenty of info there.
Nice warranty on the Pro, though really it's just marketing fluff, as all vendors know most desktop
users will, a) never use their SSDs enough to exhaust the warranted daily full device writes, b)
very likely replace their SSD with something better (more space) long before the warranty period
is up. It'd be like giving a 10 year warranty on a smart phone - who keeps one that long. 😀
However, good to know they have the confidence it'll survive for those who do keep their
tech for a long time.
Strange, some seller sites here show the warranty as 3 years, but maybe that's just with
the seller, rather than the after-sale registration with SanDisk (yeah, most likely; which
reminds me, I need to register my 850 Pros and X300s...)
I'd still buy an X300 instead of the Extreme Pro though, the latter costs about 40% more
but one would never notice the difference. Likewise, the X300 is almost half the cost of
an 850 Pro.
PS. Did a check yesterday, I have about 50+ SSDs total atm.