Saving Files From A Failing Hard Drive


Aug 15, 2007
Hello there.

I had problems with my main Hard Drive failing.

The main goal is to save the files, since I realize it's not likely I can save the disk.
I though about the option of putting some Linux live CD and copying the files that are still intact to another portable Hard Drive.
The question is: should I try and recover the hard drive/files with some kind software before I do that? maybe that way I can get more file in proper condition? and if yes, what software would you recommend?
This disk had the OS on it(WinXP) and one day it started freezing all of the sudden and sometimes just crash during the windows loading screen etc.

I tried formatting and reinstalling windows and after a day it started all over again.
I see. That might be a clear sign of a failing hard drive. Have you checked the S.M.A.R.T. status? I also got this problem last month and I checked my drive status and it is already set as bad. Then I copied all my the important files to an external HDD / separate HDD.