SC to Craigslist: That Lawsuit Means We Win

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So i must say this is good. It's about time, that this is taken seriously. I am surprised it took this long because Cook County, IL did the same thing to Craigslist. I don't see how Craigslist has a leg to stand on in this case. I don't see how the are proud that they are providing "erotic services" I don't see the integrity, but then again integrity seems like such a foreign concept to some people and companies. This is good for SC.
Way to twist the facts to make yourself look important, like you have done something for the greater good of humanity.

I can see the comercials now... "I went to battle with major prostitution rings and rid SC of its evils for you, the people".
McMaster is the kind of man I would like to have castrated to make certain he doesn't allow his idiocy and ignorance back into the gene pool.
Craigslist should continue with the suit. We don't need idiots like this as AG's. They need to bring to light that they were right in the first place, and not allow a politician to just mull it over and shrug it off.
@ Tank: why is it that you rednecks and nazis came out of the woodwork and onto the web after Obama won? Go dig your holes and stay in them. The only thing this did for South Carolina is forced people to find another website, and there are plenty of them.

McMaster is just using this to try and lure old people and religious people to voting for him, regardless of his other platforms. He can make some blanket statement about values now and just sweep up these voters, he doesn't have to make an appeal on real policy initiatives.

Just go ahead and search "massage" and "south carolina." And be sure to do it with no children in the room, because it might offend tank's fragile mind.
Don't worry fuser I'm sure it won't be long. It's funny how most of the guys that scream bloody murderer about this kind of stuff are the ones that get caught doing it. I'm sure he's probably no different, probably just got ripped off by one and now it made him upset and cry.
The AG's actions not withstanding, it is a good thing CL has shut down a source of child prostitution. We would like to see the AGs take action against other venues for child prostitution. We would also like to see AG's prosecute pimps and treat child prostitutes as victims so they can be helped and removed from the situation that puts them in continued harm.
However anyone feels about prostitution, we need to thank Craigslist for shutting down a main vehicle for CHILD Prostitution. Thank you Craigslist!
So what happens now? People will just go to other online services or printed venues to get what they want? Then after they get forced or sued to take down any erotic services it will just flood the streets with these erotic services. Of course when that happens law enforcement will cry they need more money to counter act whats on the street. I just still do not understand why they never went after the actual people who posted, not hosted, these services. Nothing has really changed imo. The "goods and services" are still available so Mr. Henry McMaster how can you possiably declare victory. You still have not gotten rid of the real problem. Seems to me if your going to make issue out of this by going after Craigslist you would actually target the real perpetrators but you clearly did not. So I congratulate Mr. Henry McMaster for his complete lack of foresight and still leaving the real problem unresolved. Oh yeah, McMaster for Govenor! He really fights for the people! Sort of.:)
Um, so what about all those other sites they threw up in the blog, like the adult services link and so forth? I guess its okay for those guys to not take their advertising responsibility seriously...
[citation][nom]clavote[/nom]The AG's actions not withstanding, it is a good thing CL has shut down a source of child prostitution. We would like to see the AGs take action against other venues for child prostitution. We would also like to see AG's prosecute pimps and treat child prostitutes as victims so they can be helped and removed from the situation that puts them in continued harm.However anyone feels about prostitution, we need to thank Craigslist for shutting down a main vehicle for CHILD Prostitution. Thank you Craigslist![/citation]

And you know this how? You been cruising for child prostitutes? Sicko...

That being said I have one word about McMaster... douche.
Henry McMaster is a complete idiot and the new person to hate in America. If adults want to get together and date, have dinner and a drink who cares? If that fun night out gets hot and heavy who should stop them? Why is this illegal again? i think amlost everyone sides with Craigslist on this. let adults make their own decisions if they want to go to this section or not...good grief.
Way to go South Carolina, now johns looking for hookers will get their hookers from a pimp on the street intead of paying a woman for her services after meeting her at her apartment, or whatever. I just don't see this as a win. On another topic, I would never pay for sex, not directly at least 😉, but I think prostitution should be legal. Don't get me wrong, I think it's morally wrong, but what gives the government the right to tell us what we can and can't do with our bodies. Drugs can be illegal because thwey're a substance, but sex can't be made illegal, soneither should payng for or being paid for sex. Why can't it just be legal but highly frowned upon, like being a pornstar, which really isn't much different and in many ways a lot worse.
[citation][nom]eqdarkleaf[/nom]Way to twist the facts to make yourself look important, like you have done something for the greater good of humanity.I can see the comercials now... "I went to battle with major prostitution rings and rid SC of its evils for you, the people".[/citation]

Exactly. He's not stupid though, he planned this. He wanted to do the "get tough on crime" thing and he knew that CL was going to take down the section shortly after. Once its down, he declares victory. Actually a pretty good political move on his part. The average voter is too stupid and uninformed to realize that he is a dipshit.
Yeah... this was just posted in my local newspaper, even though I've been following it online. Totally TWISTED the FACTS, which were: McMaster wanted the ES section down, and Craig's List was like: "Hmm, well that sounds reasonable, we'll begin taking it down now. It will take 7 days for it to be completely removed from our system."
McMasters: "It's been 4 days, I can still see your ES section, prepare to be prosecuted"
Buckmaster: "WTF? We told you we were removing it and it would take a week. I'm going to request a restraining order for you so you can sit and watch as the section gets taken down like we said it would."
McMasters: "We win everyone! I have fought tirelessly to make our community safe from prostitution, and it's ringleader Craig's List! Rejoice, your children are safe! If Craig's list ever tries this again, we will hit them even HARDER!"

I pity the people of SC. If McMasters really understood the steps Craig's List was taking to remove the section, then he's a snake, twisting words into getting what he wants, glory. If he really didn't understand what Craig's List told him, then his ignorance levels are off the charts and electing him to ANY office would be ill-advised. How hard can it be to understand: "It will take seven days to remove the section, please give us 7 days before having a crap-fit"
I agree this doesn't change anything. Law enforcement is barking
up the wrong tree. I think they just want attention because they
aren't getting any out in the real world by accomplishing anything
important. It won't be long and South Caralina's law inforcement
will be long forgottin.
I am glad they decided not to universally take out adult services. Now I can hire an escort for my class reunion and impress everyone with a hot babe attached to my arm.
[citation][nom]eqdarkleaf[/nom]Way to twist the facts to make yourself look important, like you have done something for the greater good of humanity.I can see the comercials now... "I went to battle with major prostitution rings and rid SC of its evils for you, the people".[/citation]

Ha. nicely put.
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