Scan 2.4? Kid hiding a stolen wifi device in his room


Jan 23, 2018
I think my kid is hiding a device. He's not connected to my wifi cause he knows I'll see it when he does. But im sure he has it on in his room hidden.
Is there a way to scan to see if there are any wifi devices transmitting from his room? You know, like you would scanning for an AP but in reverse..

Should be a fun thread.. lol
You need a wifi card that can be put in promiscuous mode to see end devices. Microsoft thinks it is a a security "feature" to disable this option even in devices that support it so you have to run linux.

The best way I have found is to buy a ubiquiti wireless bridge. It has cheap spectrum analyses that can only do the 2.4g band. It can see the small signal leakage from a microwave oven. It can also see bluetooth coming from keyboards etc. It does not actually capture the data it just show signal on a graph.

He can use phone android/iphone. Why complicating soo much?

Did you actually use this tool or did you just google it. The tool you list is basically a front end for the standard network list. It does not find end devices it only finds routers. All it is doing is displaying the SSID broadcasts it will not even detect a router that has the SSID broadcast disabled much less a end device.

You can run aircrack-ng on android since it a unix variant but again the actual radio chipset needs to support promiscuous mode. You also many times must root the phone. It is much harder to get a radio chipset that support promiscuous mode on a phone since the cell radio and wifi radio are on the same chip and they do not want you causing issues for cell networks.
True, a couple school of thoughts. Finding a Bluetooth beacon might work. Finding a card to run promiscuous mode on my PC is another. Might look into ubiquiti wireless bridge. Never heard of it though..