Scared about DOA parts.


Aug 1, 2015
Hey. Im building my first PC soon, but i'm SUPER worried that one of my parts will be DOA. I don't wanna have to send it back to the retailer. How often is it to retrieve a DOA part?
I usually do newegg (live 4 hours from the warehouse, 1 day shipping everytime essentially) or amazon (amazon student prime shipping).
However, I have also used NCIXUS, Tigerdirect, outletPC, and superbizz.
EDIT: And Fry's in store when I visit family out in San Jose. (Old PSU and SSD there)

What he said
Outlet PC, Superbiiz and NCIXUS? Are they reliable? I was kinda worried to purchase from them after reading a ton if complaints from their customers. How fast do they ship also?