I have a batchfile that ftp's several other batch files to a computer, then calls one of them which schedules the rest. The scheduler batch file uses the schtasks command. When i run the first batch file, it pulls the files fine but twhen it calls the scheduler, i get the error "'schtasks' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." However I know that the command is installed on the computer because i can type in 'schtasks' and i get all the current scheduled tasks' information. I can also manually run the second scheduler batch file and it runs. It only fails when the first batch file calls it. The calling statement at the very end of the first batch file is "call C:\batchfiles\scheduler.bat". The scheduler is only four schtasks commands on four lines. Can you help me figure out why the commands fail when called from the first batch file.