Screeching sound from components


Nov 18, 2015
Hey guys,

I was playing a few days ago, and while playing my computer shut down. I don't think it was a power outage, since I didn't lose electricity. I tried turning my computer back on, and I had my computer stop at the Windows loading screen. If I somehow get past the Windows 10 loading screen, my screen turns black. The other option going into BIOS, and from there I can't boot from any of my drives or boot from a bootable USB. The computer doesn't detect my ethernet cable. I notice there is a screeching noise from my computer. I don't know if it's my RAM because it's identified in BIOS. I checked the volts in my PSU and it checks off, it works. All the fans work in my rig, but I do think the screech is coming from my CPU fan. Even if I were to replace that, how would that solve my booting problem?

-Any help will be appreciated, thank you.
bit shaded but I can hear "ssstttt" near GPU, time to look for new GPU, in the mean time, watch online video on how to redo GPU cooler TIM, if somehow EVGA cooler thermal pad on VRM area have lost its heat transfer ability, buy thermal pad and TIM such as arctic silver 5, cut the thermal pad as the previous EVGA cooler thermal pad size, 1 grain of TIM, make sure it cover entire GPU IHS plate surface.

You're a life saver! It could be my GPU actually, my gpu's fans weren't turning on when I started my PC up. I switched my PCE cables and that did the trick. So, I got the GPU fans working. It is hard to differentiate where the sound is coming from. My first initial thought was my GPU, but then I kinda heard the noise coming from my CPU fan.

Another question, should I try a buddy's gpu and see if that solves the issue?
sure, next time if it still screech, record it and put it online paste the hyperlink here, i suspect more than just fan, could be psu, graphic card pcb, or motherboard, the audio file you're about to present here could give us better run down and narrows to specific capacitors or inductors whine origin

Will do as soon as I get back from work. Thank you again.
bit shaded but I can hear "ssstttt" near GPU, time to look for new GPU, in the mean time, watch online video on how to redo GPU cooler TIM, if somehow EVGA cooler thermal pad on VRM area have lost its heat transfer ability, buy thermal pad and TIM such as arctic silver 5, cut the thermal pad as the previous EVGA cooler thermal pad size, 1 grain of TIM, make sure it cover entire GPU IHS plate surface.