Screen Blackouts after upgrading memory


Oct 28, 2013
Hey Guys
I upgraded my system memory from Kingston 1333 4GB x 2 to Vengeance Pro 8GB x 2 1600 last week. After installing new RAMs, My PC operates fine but the problem start while gaming and operating graphic using applications. My screen blackout like 2 or 3 times every 5 mins or 2 mins.
after downgrading to my old Kingston, it works fine again. I think my new RAMs are not backwards compatible, because my current MB and CPU are MSI P55-GD65 and Core i5 750. Plz let me know if u guys have any solutions :)

Cheers Guys !
Make sure you have the latest BIOS, go into the BIOS, enable XMP and select profile 1, save, rebbot into BIOS and make sure timings are at 9-9-9-24, CR at 2T and DRAM voltage a t 1.5, if any problem there go up to 1.55 on the DRAM voltage, should be fine