So I've built my computer a short while ago and everything was working fine. Then I put an R9 270x and I ran a DVI cable to my monitor from the graphics card. At first I was getting a black screen and the image it was supposed to show was flashing occasionally on the black screen. After a bit of messing around I seemed to get it working and I ran a couple of games and benchmarks to make everything was good. However I still get this flashing black screen which I seem to get mostly after the computer wakes up from sleep mode (it never happens on its own while the computer is on).
I didn't have any problems running a VGA and the DVI from the motherboard to the monitor and my drivers seem up to date as far as I can tell.
Z97 pc mate, i7 4790k, 750w psu
Any suggestions ?
I didn't have any problems running a VGA and the DVI from the motherboard to the monitor and my drivers seem up to date as far as I can tell.
Z97 pc mate, i7 4790k, 750w psu
Any suggestions ?