Screen freezing when playing games?


Aug 9, 2015
So recently I've noticed my screen freeze for a moment and then restart, in multiple games.
I thought it was my GPU being too hot so I downloaded Afterburner and got Temps down to 61C when playing games, however it's still happening.

Any idea what this is?

My rig is
CPU: i5 2500 3.3ghz
GPU: GTX 780
RAM: 8gb
PSU: Thermaltake Litepower 700

If the PSU were failing, usually the entire system would shut down so I wouldn't think it's that. How old is your PSU, what brand is it, and wattage? The GPU shouldn't be too weak if even the GeForce Experience application is optimizing it for high.

I just installed the GTX 780 from a GTX 560 so I've updated drivers and whatnot, and also upped the graphics options in games.
Also my tower juuuuuust fit the card in if that makes a difference.

Edit: It does return to normal, it'll freeze and then go right back up to 60-70+ FPS
It doesn't matter that the card barely fit, that's alright seeing as your temps are good.

However, did you use a program such as Guru to completely uninstall your old drivers? That could be the reason, that some registry keys are left over/didn't become properly updated if you didn't clean out the old drivers for the 560 completely.

I didn't use a program, I just uninstalled using the OS like through the files?
I went by a YouTube walkthrough which showed me to do it like this
Such as through the Control Panel? It doesn't always remove 100% of the files. I would download Guru from their website, follow their simple instructions, and remove all of your video drivers. Then reinstall them, and see if that helps. If not, let me know and we'll troubleshoot some more.

Okay will do, I'll report back!


So I did this and it seems to be a tad better but it did happen a couple times. I lowered the graphics way down on Paragon for about 5 minutes and it didn't happen, but my thinking is that the card should be able to handle the high graphics if it shoots right back up to 60fps? Or am I wrong?
I'm glad doing the Guru thing helped. Basically, getting your settings right on an older card is touch and go.

Just because you can handle 60 FPS on low, doesn't mean you'll get 60 FPS on medium. Just play around with the settings until you find something that works for your card. Some games could run on high, depending on how old they are, some may only be able to be played on low.

Paragon in particular requires at MINIMUM a Nvidia GTX 660. So your card should be able to handle some medium settings as well. Things such as shadows and particles, plus antialiasing and ambient occlusion should probably all be low.

Sorry I didn't explain myself correctly. What I mean is I'm running it on a mixture of medium and high and getting 60fps, even if I bump it up it stays the same. I can rule out the GPU being too weak if I'm getting such a solid frame rate right?

Sorry, could it be anything like a failing PSU or something? It happens in other games even when the GeForce experience thing has optimized them for very high :/
If the PSU were failing, usually the entire system would shut down so I wouldn't think it's that. How old is your PSU, what brand is it, and wattage? The GPU shouldn't be too weak if even the GeForce Experience application is optimizing it for high.