Question Screen gives "No signal" problem sometimes (plus slower boot and sudden reboot) ?


Feb 22, 2021
Hi there

Since the beginning of february, my PC have the following issue:
Sometimes, when I boot him up, the screen simply stays black or with the "no signal" sign. The PC is ok and running, but the image isn't. At first, when it happened, I just switched the GPU HDMI port and the image got fine. But later, this stopped working. Now, when this problem happens (last week it was happening a lot and now it's getting rarer), I need to keep rebooting the PC until it gives image.

I have 0 problems after the PC is correctly booted. No FPS drops, no glitches, nothing. The problem only affects the boot. Also, I noticed that the problem started at the same time that my PC got slower to boot. Before the issue, my PC booted in 30 seconds to 1 min, now it takes 2 to 4 minutes.

Oh, and during december, my PC started having another problem that I don't know if it's related: when under severe stress (namely: playing cyberpunk 2077 for more than 6 hours), my PC rebooted by itself. It's not high temp bcs I monitored it and the GPU was under 70°C. It happened mostly with cyberpunk, but it once happened with Dying Light, after I spent 5 hours with it running.

Please, help me with this.

i5-7400 3ghz
12gb ram
asus gtx 1060 6gb
mobo h110m-hg4

P.S.: since yesterday, it started to make a almost-inaudible coil-whine-like sound, like a teapot hissling. It's so low that it almost looks like it's inside my head. But it's annoying. The sound isnt constant and goes away sometimes.
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Feb 22, 2021
It's a Cooler Master v850 (I think it's Gold). It's just 3 years old, I started using it by the end of 2017.

If it's the PSU, can it last some more moths before I need to replace it? And can it fry other components of my PC? The other issues could be this problem as well?
Oct 13, 2021
Hello I had the same problem as you on a 1060 3gb mine continued until today where it stops giving image until when I start from one moment to another it cuts the image and I have to restart.
could you solve the problem?