Screen goes black permanently while playing video games !

Abhraneel Roy

May 29, 2014
I dont know what is the reason of this problem !! It is happening today only , When i start a game , the game starts and after playing 5-10 minutes the screen goes black permanently and i can hear the sound of the game for like 30 seconds then stops and if i am in discord i can steam talk to my friends and i can hear their voice too !
This is happening with all the games , i even cleaned my ram !
My specs-
Cpu-i7 7700
Gpu-Gtx 970
Ram-8 Gb (4x2)
Psu-Corsair VS 650

Need help of which hardware is causing this problem.. Should i try with 4 gb ram ???
> Could be faulty graphics drivers, try to uninstall GPU drivers using DDU and install back the newest ones.

> Could be an overheating GPU/CPU. Monitor using MSI Afterburner or any other 3rd party app.

> Could be the power supply. VS650 is not great quality, could be causing performance issues.


> Could be faulty graphics drivers, try to uninstall GPU drivers using DDU and install back the newest ones.

> Could be an overheating GPU/CPU. Monitor using MSI Afterburner or any other 3rd party app.

> Could be the power supply. VS650 is not great quality, could be causing performance issues.