Screen Goes Black When Gaming GTX 1060 6GB


Feb 22, 2015
First off let me say, PC works fine/stays on when idle and even when video watching.So this issue started a few months ago (Around July) and just gradually got worse.
From happening 2-3 a week to making some games unplayable as soon as I get into a higher end game and start playing my screen just goes black and my fans would get loud.
example: I launch OW (overwatch) get into a match, can typically play 1 round then next round my screen just blacks out
i hear a disconnect sound and when this happens all sounds go silent but then sound comes back and I can talk to my friend on discord still as well.

Here's the kicker
I contacted my card support they said it sounds like the card is defective, so I RMA'd it, and just received a new one.
HOWEVER Same issue is still happening. I have an older gpu, msi afterburner (unsure of the exact model) I used this to play while my 1060 was getting RMA'd, however I could play OW but only on very low settings, couldn't play (Too low FPS to bother) any other games I played with my 1060 such as PUBG, GTA V, Squad and Just Cause 3

This time around with my replacement 1060 card, no fans are getting loud however screens going black.

So because of this disconnect sound I was hearing when blacking out, I thought maybe a file or something was corrupted, and did clean reinstall of windows formatting every drive I have and re-downloaded fresh updated drivers (Including DirectX,Windows updates and GPU) then OW to test and STILL getting the same black screen.

Original computer was purchased mid 2016, purchased my 1060 in December of 2016, also upgraded ram from 8gb to 16gb when I purchased my graphics card in dec.

~ Computer Specs ~
Processor: I7-2600 @ 3.40 Ghz
RAM: 16.00 GB
System Type: 64 bit
Graphics Card: EVGA Nvidia GTX 1060 (6GB)
Windows Version: Windows 10

~Sidenote~ My System info says (Total Physical Memory 16GB) but only 13.6gb of available physical is usable. Maybe irrelevant but worth noting.

Anyways appreciate the help!
Usually unexplained weird problems are power supply issues.

I'm not sure i7-2600 were very common in 2016, I think those came out around 2013, so if you bought a used business system or something, even more a close look at the power supply is a good idea.

Using 2.4GB of memory isn't that uncommon with Windows 10, even at idle. It uses a a good chunk of the ram as a cache rather than taking things out of memory to retrieve later (I'm struggling to remember the actual term) Basically as long as you have memory available you are fine.
Usually unexplained weird problems are power supply issues.

I'm not sure i7-2600 were very common in 2016, I think those came out around 2013, so if you bought a used business system or something, even more a close look at the power supply is a good idea.

Using 2.4GB of memory isn't that uncommon with Windows 10, even at idle. It uses a a good chunk of the ram as a cache rather than taking things out of memory to retrieve later (I'm struggling to remember the actual term) Basically as long as you have memory available you are fine.