Screen randomly black out than resume??


May 15, 2015
The entire monitor turns black, lasting for about a second, then resumes display as normal. The computer itself continues running as usual. It looks very much how it looks when changing screen resolution. DVI notification shown??

Is this a problem with my monitors? or perhaps a PSU? It only happen recently. Twice now in the last 3 days?

There is no error log or anything at all.... could this also be the case of my gpu failing?

If you have other ports (on the video card and the monitor) and cables, try swapping them out before you do anything else. Also, try removing and reseating the video card in its PCI slot and making sure the slot doesn't have dust/debris in it, and that the power plug(s) to the card is firmly seated. Sounds more like a bad connection/cable from what you describe.
I would say check your cables.

Whenever I have seen or experienced this in the past it has been a poorly seated cable. Or if a DVI or HDMI cable, the locking screws haven't been tightened.

Otherwise I would check the other things Grimwinder says

Good luck