Screen resolution doesn't fit monitor

Luke The Savage

Nov 22, 2016
Hello, so my monitors native resolution is 1280x768 and it doesn't fit the screen the windows button in the windows 10 desktop screen is cutoff the resolution that fits it is 1600x1200 and this bothers me because I want it to be in 1920x1080 because all my games either have black bars at the top or bottom or are blown up completely which makes them a lot less enjoyable. I have the NVIDIA 750ti and I don't know how to make any half decent resolution fit my screen someone please help I connect my screen from a dvi to vga converter to my computer and then a normal vga side to my monitor ALL HELP APPRECIATED :)))))
The desktop resolution should match the NATIVE resolution exactly.

It's probably 1366x768.

Set the monitor to "Scale by Aspect" (on the monitor itself) and that should work.

(Again, you don't set resolutions higher than the monitor normally. sometimes in a game as "super sampling" but you should stick with basic anti-aliasing such as 2xMSAA or 4xMSAA)
Nvidia control panel should help you with the resolutions I had the same issue, either too big or too small, nvidia control panel had the perfect one after going through all of them.

Normally the desktop has the proper resolution for the monitor. Not sure why you'd need to go into NVidia Control Panel.

Anyway, I guess "Best Answer" is to buy a new monitor.

Use PCPARTPICKER to choose. Lots of monitors so it depends on your BUDGET.

1) IPS is better than TN (but more expensive)
2) look at customer reviews (not sure why they vary so much between stores so compare monitors at the SAME store but don't use Amazon as it's hosed. Different products get mixed up in the same score.)

3) make sure the INPUT is appropriate to your video card. You probably support VGA, DVI, DP and HDMI but I'd get one with TWO inputs (perhaps DVI and DP, DVI and HDMI, or DP and HDMI).
4) Response time... do NOT get one higher than 6ms (to minimize blur/ghosting)

5) 24" is the max size I'd get for 1920x1080

I'll look for a couple and post.