Screen resolution on windows 7, no 1680x1050?

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Jan 16, 2009
i have 64 bit windows 7, and a 22" moniter connected by vga with a 8800gt 512 mb, my monitor is natively 1680x 1050, but windows seven doesn't give me an option for that, just 1600x1024

is it just that nvidia doesn't have drivers for 1680x1050 on 64 bit windows 7 or what?
well i know it has it for 32bit as im using that resolution atm, id be surprised if it wasnt supported as its a very popular resoluton.

id try reinstalling or seeing if windows update has a driver for your screen.
Yes, I have a same problem. But I can set the correct resolution (1680x1050) from advanced dialog box, select from resolution list, but in the combo box still show 1600x1024.
After install nVidia driver I cannot select the correct one from the resolution list 🙁 . The windows always set back the 1600x1024 resolution and screen is not on the middle on my monitor.
Another problem: I try to set manually the type of my Fujitsu 22" monitor. I cannot find standard 1680x1050 monitor type 🙁 . So only I can select this resolution when I set a higher resolution monitor type. But this is gray in the list, and when I try to select it, don't changed the resolution, only the confirm dialog box appear. 🙁
Something in your original post begs the question. How are you connecting? Are you using a VGA cable or a DVI cable. If you are using a VGA the 1600x1200 (or whatever) my be the max native res that can be displayed that way. I have it on my 22" Westinghouse and display fine at 1680x1050.
Running 64 bit at 1680x1050 with no problems. It automatically set it to 1680x1050. You might check in the monitor settings and sure that it is not set to a 4:3 screen size instead of 16:9 or 16:10. If your getting widescreen options but no 1680x1050 it might be set to 16:9 instead of 16:10.

Hi. I'm a developer, though obviously not of anything related to this bug.

I'd like to welcome you to the world of beta software actually, this is called bug reporting.. its why people push beta releases. You know, so that bugs can be fixed or at least become known before a release, not so you can take screenshots to e-peen flex in your WoW guild's forums.

That said I'd like to second the problem exposed here.

If I manually install my monitors driver after a fresh install, sometimes it will let me change to a higher mode. Once I install the nvidia x64 drivers (either from win update or then it keeps re-autodetecting my monitor as a generic pnp monitor and wont go above 1600x1200.

If I manually install the monitor dirver at this point it lets me chose a higher resolution and thinks it sets it, but it still sends 1600x1200 to my monitor.

Trying to play counterstrike(half life 1) also can not change resolution forcing me to play at 1600x1200x60hz

This is connecting a 8800GT to a Sony Trinitron GDM-FW900 via DVI->VGA->BNC adapter.

ive had the same problem but solved it by swapping my vga -> dvi adapter plugging into my second dvi port on my gtx260. ive noticed that some adapters all have different pin layouts, i had a spare laying around (must have swapped it with an old one because both screens were working fine before i went to a lan), click the detect displays button and it will detect the correct native resolution.

so to clarify i had the exact same problem, but it was solved by a different vga->dvi adapter.

so up yours to all you dogmatic retards ragging on beta software. instead of trolling everywhere when people are having problems post something constructive. im seeing it alot when it comes to punkbuster and daemon tools for example. betas exist for testing, and developers should be throwing out their own alphas and betas to fix up problems before win7 goes gold. not sticking their heads in the sand saying "WE DONT SUPPORT BETA OS'S BAWWWW"
Well first of all this is NOT a MS operated forum and hardly anyone here is an employee of Microsoft... so you're preaching to the choir here, son. We can bag on beta software all we want because we didn't make it. You'd have a point if it were people that actually developed the product posting anti-beta nonsense.

With that said, however, yes the product is beta and no, you CANNOT expect everything to work splendidly. Posting here does NOT constitute a bug report to Microsoft or anyone else... so complaining here will fall on deaf ears. Some people make an honest effort to help others and some just want to be assholes. It comes with the territory when you post to online forums.

My suggestion would be to use DVI whenever possible. HDMI is completely acceptable as well, but most monitors don't have it, so you're stuck with VGA or DVI. (If you have a card with HDMI outputs only, you can also opt for a HDMI to DVI cable). Whether this will solve the issue or not, I can't be 100% certain. At the very least you'll be getting better signal quality than with VGA.
Check the EDID of your display . Windows seven will not allow you to set any resolution which is higher that what is specified in EDID.(lots of manufacturers sell displays with defective EDID)

Im having an ati card ,its driver has the option to bypass EDID .
I dont think nVidia drvers have this option.

there are two option i found in case you cant set it inside the driver
1.reprogram EDID( is not very difficult)
2.pull a pin out of dvi connector,it cuts the communication channel between display and the card, you are now free to set whatever resoluion you want. ( if you are using dvi to vga adapter you wont have to damage the cable)
1650x1050 or 1920x1080 Windows 7 and Nvidia screen resolution fix

OK, I have read litteraly dozens and dozens of forum posts on the Windows 7 64bit and Nvidia screen resolution problem. I have noticed 1 common problem on all the posts. Windows 7 does not recognize 75% of LCD widescreen monitors native resolutions regardless of monitor brand. I've come to the conclusion that its just a software/driver compatability problem that hasn't been fixed yet by nvidia or windows.

What happened in my case was I went from Running Windows xp 64bit (which ran perfectly stable at all my 47"LCD TV's (hdmi cable) and my 21.6" LCD monitors (vga cable) native resolutions. After a FRESH install of Window 7 Ultimate Retail my screen resolutions went to crap with all the same Hardware installed.

So here is the solution and my Computer specs.


OS - Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Retail
Ram - OCZ 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066
Hard Drive - Seagate 80GB 7200 + 3 additional 500g seagate drives
PSU - Sunbeam PSU-HUSH680-US-BL 680W
GPU - GeForce 8400gs (running at stock speeds)
CPU AMD 7750 Kuma Black Edition 2.7 (overclocked to 3.1)
Monitor - 21.6 Soyo (this is irrelavent however because lots of monitor brands are being affected by this)
Motherboard - ASUS M3N78-VM

Ok, Now the Solution.. There are 2 possible problems you might be having. If Windows 7 is properly recognizing your monitors resolutions but giving you a black screen when you set them at 1650x1050 or 1920x1080 then your solution is easy. Just download an older version of the Nvidia drivers found here...This driver works

Its a Vista 64 bit driver but it will work I promise.

If your problem is that Windows 7 Doesn't recognize all the resolutions your monitor offers then your FIX is a little more complicated. First thing you wanna do is download the nvidia driver I listed above and save it. don't install it yet. Next thing you wanna do is download a WORKING COPY of Powerstrip. In the powertrip description it doesn't say much about Nvidia products but it works!!!! You can google Powerstrip download for different versions but the link below worked for me.

What powerstrip does is allow you to make a custom driver for your Monitor allowing windows and Nvidia to recognize you true monitor resolutions. (ONLY US POWERSTRIP IF ALL YOUR MONITORS RESOLUTIONS ARE NOT BEING RECOGNIZED BY WINDOWS 7 AND YOUR NVIDIA SOFTWARE DRIVERS.

Install Powerstrip and follow these instructions...

1. Make your custom drivers.
a. open powerstrip and go to options then monitor information
b. then on bottom left select write custom monitor driver
c. Next to max resolution put the maximun resolution that your monior suppports.
d. Save the file in a place easy to find and name it.

2. Install your custom driver.
a. go to my computer right click
b . go to properties
c. go to devise manager
d. monitors
c. Your monitor might be listed but doubtfull. it is more than likely listed as generic non pnp devise
d. right click genericnonn pnp or your monitor if listed.
e. o tto properties
f. click driver tab
g. click update driver
h. browse my computer for software
i. let me pick from a list of devise drivers on my computer
j. click on have disk
k. brwose to where ever you stored your custom made river

l. click ok
m. install driver.
n. restart computer.

Now when you computer reboots check and see if anymore resolutions are available for you. If they are you've done it. However, if they are available to you but Windows 7 goes black or won't allow you to use them then you need to install The older version of Nvivia drivers i talked about earlier.

After you have done all this your computers resolutions should be looking great. If you have any questions let me know. Also feel free to spread the word about this is it is a huge problem that lots of people are having.

My windows 7 RC test machine has an nVidia 9600 running on it.

It sets to 1680 x 1050 no problem. Using a VGA cable on a KVM unit. Samsung SyncMaster 2253

It has worked fine since an earlier Beta, as I recall. On both 32 and 64bit.

I didn't see your monitor brand and model listed. Is it 16:10 or 16:9 ratio? If 16:9 then that's your problem with 1680 x 1050

{EDIT} Just noticed Cisco mentioned the ratio. Missed that on 1st read.
I just installed Windows 7 RTM version and both of my laptop and my 23" Samsung Wildscreen display resolution get crappy. The screen resolution tool does not show all the resolution available to my screen.

What I did was to go to Advanced settings (in the middle under Orientation), on the tab "Adapter" click on the "Properties" button and click on "Driver" tab and then click on "Update Driver" choose automatic for the update and once the update is finished, go back to the screen resolution tool and choose the right resolution and I am all set!

Jerry Zhao
I have same problem. When i connect my monitor D-SUB i have resolution 1680x1050 but when i change DVI cable i have much lowest resolution 1366x768 or something like that. Same operation system Windows 7 64bit. In winXP 32bit no problem resolution 1680x1050 in DVI
I had a similar problem. Using a Viewsonic 22" widescreen with a native res of 1680x1050 and an Nvidia card (not sure which one and too lazy to look). Windows 7 insisted on a recommended resolution of 1440x900. My card has a DVI an svga port so I decided to try the SVGA instead. There it was 1680x1050 recommended. The Nvidia driver hates DVI for some reason.
Hello there I had the same problem with mine I have got the nvidia 8600gt graphics card could not get mine down to the correct resolution.If you go into your control panel you will see NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL click on that, there in the top left hand corner you will see change resolution click on that and you will see more resolution settings there hope that helps you........Ian

Hello there I had the same problem with mine I have got the nvidia 8600gt graphics card could not get mine down to the correct resolution.If you go into your control panel you will see NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL click on that, there in the top left hand corner you will see change resolution click on that and you will see more resolution settings there hope that helps you........Ian
Hi all,
i found a SOLUTION for all of you (i hope) that don't have a native support resolution for your wide screen 22" or similar under W7.
I have a Asus vw223d Lcd and when i tryied to have resolution 1680x1050 the panel didn't dispaly me the possibility, only 1600x1200 or similar but NO the 1680x1050.
So i tryied all the possible (show hidden res or from nvidia control panel, etc...) to put it in my screen resolution, an at the end i fount it in the right way!
I have a Sli system Nvidia gtx260 running under Windows 7 64bit Ultimate and the problem was that in game i coudn't recognize the resolution and the refresh rate correctly, so i tried to EDIT a generic driver for my monitor adding the resolution i needed. Here the text :

Signature = "$CHICAGO$"
Class = Monitor
ClassGUID = {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider = %MFG%

%MFG% = MonMfg, NT, NTAMD64

%MODEL% = Mon.Install,Monitor\ACI22B1

%MODEL% = Mon.Install,Monitor\ACI22B1

%MODEL% = Mon.Install,Monitor\ACI22B1

AddReg = Mon.AddReg,RES,DPMS





MODEL = "vw223d"

i SAVE it (name.INF) and i FORCE the installation driver from COMPUTER MANAGE (i don't know if the transaltion from italian is correct!)

After that i could see the resolution below 1680x1050 and works properly also in games like Wow or Resident Evil 5 :kaola: .

Hope to be helpful! :hello:
Oh my god, thank you so much!!!! I was searching and searching for DAYS for a solution to this issue and this worked on the first try! I'm now typing to you in my monitor's native 1680x1050 resolution. This worked like a charm!

Thank you soooooo much for the guide, my problem: I bought a replacement VGA cable because my old one was having color issues and for some reason when I installed the new one and restarted my computer, my monitor's native resolutions went away (1680x1050).

I followed your second guide, installed the driver and low and behold my old resolution was back! I didn't even have to install the older version of the nVidia drivers.

*Note* Powerstrip gave me a warning, something about adapter settings should be original before proceeding, I just went ahead and opened it and nothing went wrong. Also on installation Powerstrip will ask you if you want to install gamma ramps for professional photography THESE ARE NOT NEEDED for driver installation.

I hope I could be of some help to others with this problem and thanks again Jason (bird391) for posting on this topic. I was about ready to jump kick my monitor!
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