1650x1050 or 1920x1080 Windows 7 and Nvidia screen resolution fix
OK, I have read litteraly dozens and dozens of forum posts on the Windows 7 64bit and Nvidia screen resolution problem. I have noticed 1 common problem on all the posts. Windows 7 does not recognize 75% of LCD widescreen monitors native resolutions regardless of monitor brand. I've come to the conclusion that its just a software/driver compatability problem that hasn't been fixed yet by nvidia or windows.
What happened in my case was I went from Running Windows xp 64bit (which ran perfectly stable at all my 47"LCD TV's (hdmi cable) and my 21.6" LCD monitors (vga cable) native resolutions. After a FRESH install of Window 7 Ultimate Retail my screen resolutions went to crap with all the same Hardware installed.
So here is the solution and my Computer specs.
OS - Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Retail
Ram - OCZ 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066
Hard Drive - Seagate 80GB 7200 + 3 additional 500g seagate drives
PSU - Sunbeam PSU-HUSH680-US-BL 680W
GPU - GeForce 8400gs (running at stock speeds)
CPU AMD 7750 Kuma Black Edition 2.7 (overclocked to 3.1)
Monitor - 21.6 Soyo (this is irrelavent however because lots of monitor brands are being affected by this)
Motherboard - ASUS M3N78-VM
Ok, Now the Solution.. There are 2 possible problems you might be having. If Windows 7 is properly recognizing your monitors resolutions but giving you a black screen when you set them at 1650x1050 or 1920x1080 then your solution is easy. Just download an older version of the Nvidia drivers found here...This driver works
Its a Vista 64 bit driver but it will work I promise.
If your problem is that Windows 7 Doesn't recognize all the resolutions your monitor offers then your FIX is a little more complicated. First thing you wanna do is download the nvidia driver I listed above and save it. don't install it yet. Next thing you wanna do is download a WORKING COPY of Powerstrip. In the powertrip description it doesn't say much about Nvidia products but it works!!!! You can google Powerstrip download for different versions but the link below worked for me.
What powerstrip does is allow you to make a custom driver for your Monitor allowing windows and Nvidia to recognize you true monitor resolutions. (ONLY US POWERSTRIP IF ALL YOUR MONITORS RESOLUTIONS ARE NOT BEING RECOGNIZED BY WINDOWS 7 AND YOUR NVIDIA SOFTWARE DRIVERS.
Install Powerstrip and follow these instructions...
1. Make your custom drivers.
a. open powerstrip and go to options then monitor information
b. then on bottom left select write custom monitor driver
c. Next to max resolution put the maximun resolution that your monior suppports.
d. Save the file in a place easy to find and name it.
2. Install your custom driver.
a. go to my computer right click
b . go to properties
c. go to devise manager
d. monitors
c. Your monitor might be listed but doubtfull. it is more than likely listed as generic non pnp devise
d. right click genericnonn pnp or your monitor if listed.
e. o tto properties
f. click driver tab
g. click update driver
h. browse my computer for software
i. let me pick from a list of devise drivers on my computer
j. click on have disk
k. brwose to where ever you stored your custom made river
l. click ok
m. install driver.
n. restart computer.
Now when you computer reboots check and see if anymore resolutions are available for you. If they are you've done it. However, if they are available to you but Windows 7 goes black or won't allow you to use them then you need to install The older version of Nvivia drivers i talked about earlier.
After you have done all this your computers resolutions should be looking great. If you have any questions let me know. Also feel free to spread the word about this is it is a huge problem that lots of people are having.