Screen stays at Starting Windows


Oct 2, 2015
I was going to start up my computer today it worked fine but after 3 minutes the monitor went black and said 'No Signal' . So i tried to restart the computer , unfortunately it stays at the Starting Windows screen . Is there any solution to solve this issue ? I have also tried removing the ram and placing it back , it still dosent work :/
remove your GPU and try with built in graphics, it should turn on. if it dose then remove all graphics driver and use "driver sweeper" to cheap all GPU related files then install your card and do a clean installation of your GPU driver.
If this dose not work then let me know and be more detailed of your situation.
Hey Fahim , thanks for the solutions ! I recently tried to remove the ram and placing it back and it actually worked fine , but after i turned off the computer and turned it on again it stays at 'Starting Windows' screen . I removed all the usb cables that were connected to the computer and when i turned it on it goes pass 'Starting Windows' after that the screen went Black and it says No Signal . I tried the solution you gave me but it didn't work