Screen Tearing after new PSU


Feb 9, 2016
Have a GTX 970 and just swapped in a new EVGA 750 Gold PSU, and now I have screen tearing on both monitors. Any ideas?
Doh! My mistake. Here is the program: DDU. I'm so sorry for my oversight.

What is your monitor brand and model? I'm trying to get an idea of your resolution. I'm assuming that your refresh is 60 Hz.

The screen tearing is specific to in-gameplay only?

Before the EVGA g2? 750, you still had the GTX 970? I'm trying to understand your purpose for upgrading the GPU and what you had previously.

Im more worried about potentially damaging the GPU somehow

Changed out the PSU from a 500w that was insufficient, same gpu. And the Refresh rate of the montior is 60 hz, and set to such on Nivida control. The resolution is 1920x1080 on the main and 1600x900 on the secondary.

The tearing is only on full screen video or in game
@Greeko, I agree. Except in @chico's case it did. My first thought was that he had a tier 5 or un-tiered PSU, and it was causing his GPU to be under-volted and throttling itself. I'm making this up, but the thought did occur to me. That's why I'd like to know the mfg & model of the old power supply and current monitor. I was also curious if his monitor has a resolution lower than 1080p because it's hard to create screen tearing with a GTX 970 on a 1080 display. My 3rd question: What games are you seeing the tearing so far?

I tested it with The Witcher 3 and have slight horizontal tearing that dissapeared with vsync enabled. Im willing to keep it enabled but and wondering what caused the shift to require it. The previous power supply was a 500w azza that sat at tier 4 or so, Current is now tier 1-2 range, as it isnt listed currently but is very similar to some in that range.
Just to be clear, you played Witcher 3 on the 1080p display with maxed out ultra settings. I can't see that game exceeding 60 FPS on a 1080p display. Do me a favor, please remove your drivers with the HWMonitor application; it'll prompt you to reboot in safe mode. Please do so.
Please click the green colored "Download Latest Version" on the upper right side of the screen.
Then after the drivers are removed, please navigate to Nvidia's site and download the latest drivers.

Dont see any option to do that with the linked program

It is still there, but appears less pronounced. Although it dissapears when locking fps to 60 now

I think im going to leave it for now, When setting Vsync on the nvidia control panel should I also put triple buffering on? Its small enough that I can ignore it now.
Understood. In answer to your question, I don't know the answer. I'm aware of the option but I've never used it. Sorry I couldn't figure out the solution. I would recommend that you delete local content and reinstall right before you go to bed. That way it'll be done downloading by the time you wake up.