Screen Tearing Help?


Jun 12, 2015
Hello everyone. I come to you with is probably the trillionth call for screen tearing help in the community, but I can't seem to figure it out after all my research.

Here is my situation:
On games like Arkham Asylum, Skyrim, Witcher 1, and others, I have a fairly large amount of screen tearing only at Fullscreen. When I go Windowed mode, it seems to fix it on everything that has the issue. I wish to play these games in Fullscreen without the screen tearing. Does anyone know what to do?

I have VSync always on as well as Triple Buffering

Also my specs are:
Intel Core i7-4790K CPU
AMD Radeon R9 280X Crossfire
ASUS Z97A Motherboard

I also think it could be my monitors being lackluster.

I have an ASUS VH238 as my main display hooked up with a DVI cable and a Hannspree HF229 as my extended display with an HDMI cord.

Any ideas and help would be greatly appreciated!

I did not think about that, but I don't understand how VSync is not actually on when I enable it within a game. I also have it to Always On in CCC.

My main display is 1920x1080 and my second one is 1680x1050
Update: I tried disabling my second monitor (the 1680x1050 one) and what do you know?! NO MORE SCREEN TEARING!!! I'm very happy right now but this leads me to one more question: If I want to run two monitors without the fullscreen tearing, I could buy a 1920x1080 Monitor for the extended display and that would do the trick?

Yes it would :)