Screen Tearing on an old monitor with relatively new hardware


Aug 11, 2016
Hello guys, i am planning to upgrade my "wood" pc ( amd 62 x2 @2.3 ghz and a gt 440) with a new one as follows:
I5 6420p @ 2.8 ghz
Zotac GTX 970 4 Gb
8 gigabytes of Ram
Problem is I have a really old monitor and the budget strictly limited to the PC ,not also the monitor.The display is an LG L1919S and I only have a VGA port ( no problem ,i will connect to the Gpu with a DVI to VGA adaptor) But my question is,will i experience any screen tearing or any similar problems?

if you use vsync you wont have issues. screen tearing is likely...
yes you will expernce screen tearing on most computers regardless of age if...

the card doesn't render frames at the same rate your monitor refreshes at and you don't have the following
vsynic on
or a gsynic montor
or a free synic montor

tearing is just the video card speed not matching the display refresh rate. most people just use vsynic if it bothers them (and it doesn't mater what your montor is to use it)

in the end you will experience no more issues then what you do now, because it is rare for a video card render time to actually match a monitors refresh rate ever.

Now I don't have tearing as of right now, so you say I won't have any problems right?

if you use vsync you wont have issues. screen tearing is likely else wise. its even likely its happening on your current system if you don't have it on. you just might not be able to see it.