Screen tearing on gtx 970


Jun 4, 2013
So i bought a evga gtx 970 that had bad screen tearing and coil whine even when V-sync was locked at 60fps. I sent the card back and they sent me a replacement card but the screen tearing seems to have got worst, so seen as i've had two cards i'm not sure that the issue is the graphics card itself. As it would be strange that i got two graphics cards with the same fault and was wondering if there is anything else that might be causing the screen tearing and coil whine.


I have steams in built fps monitor running and it says that it's at a solid 60 fps.
try turning vsync on through the nvidia control panel. i dont get coil whine but if i have vsync on then i rarely do but i do sometimes get little tears here and there but its hard to notice and does not happen often. could be when i drop below 60

That's what i used to enable V-sync i have tried with it locked at 60fps, along with it being at half of the monitors refresh rate. i haven't tried adaptive as i don't know what difference that will make.