Screen Tearing Problems


Oct 20, 2014
R9-280X(factory OC to 1100MHz)
CX-500 PSU

I've been having some screen tearing problems with games(yes, I have VSync on). I've heard that my CPU is too low end and could be causing the tearing, is this true? Or is it a PSU issue?

Heaven help me if it's another bad card...
hmm if that's the case then your PSU wattage is the minimum requirement. However, that is a very very cheapo psu. And if 500W is the minimum requirement then it could still be your psu because it's a very low quality psu.

Here's what I'd do first,

1. reinstall and update the graphics drivers.
2. Do a virus scan (with
3. Do a check disk (put in chkdsk in google). This will check for any errors (if any) on your Hard drives/SSDs.

If none of the above work, then either reinstall windows or get a new (600W at least) high quality Corsair HX or SeaSonic power suppily. And don't get Corsair CX, they were designed for office builds.

Your CPU is most likely bottlenecking your GPU, however it would cause FPS drop not...
hmm if that's the case then your PSU wattage is the minimum requirement. However, that is a very very cheapo psu. And if 500W is the minimum requirement then it could still be your psu because it's a very low quality psu.

Here's what I'd do first,

1. reinstall and update the graphics drivers.
2. Do a virus scan (with
3. Do a check disk (put in chkdsk in google). This will check for any errors (if any) on your Hard drives/SSDs.

If none of the above work, then either reinstall windows or get a new (600W at least) high quality Corsair HX or SeaSonic power suppily. And don't get Corsair CX, they were designed for office builds.

Your CPU is most likely bottlenecking your GPU, however it would cause FPS drop not screen tearing.

Wouldn't an FPS drop cause the screen tearing by putting the framerate out of sync with the monitor?

I do have vsync on in the games. Would the PSU issue cause the screen tearing, or wouldn't it just not work at all?

My monitor is a very old gaming monitor, that could be the problem. I'll try to get another monitor, thanks!