Screen Tearing Question


Jul 25, 2016
So I just got my new laptop a week ago. It's an ASUS x550v. Here are the specs:
Intel 6700HQ
GTX 950m 2GB
8 GB of RAM
The monitor is 60Hz and the resolution is 1366x768.
I do some pretty modest gaming. Some indie games and a few heavy hitters. My problem is that over the past few days, all of my games have developed some nasty screen tearing. Now, for a game like Overwatch, I get like 120 fps, but my monitor is 60Hz, so I expect some screen tearing and it's all solved with the games vsync option. But, a game like Sonic Generation, which runs at 60 fps, is barely playable without vsync and still suffers some with vsync on. There are other examples of this so its not just the one game. I guess my question is two fold. One, why did sudden change in quality come about? Five days ago, all my games were running smoothly and consistently. I didn't touch any of the settings until after I noticed the screen tearing (even with the adaptive vsync). Second, what can I do to solve this? Of course, while applying in game vsync helps, not every game comes with that option. I'm just confused. Hope you can help, thanks!