Question Screen tearing/stutter when scrolling, slow loading, crashes with no error message ?


Sep 17, 2019
Hello, so ever since I got this PC I felt something was weird. I've written about this before, but I noticed that it's all visual, benchmarks look fine, I measured everything recently, temps are fine also even though I never changed the gpu thermals and I've had it for a while, but temps are normal, cpu thermal paste is regularly replaced.

So to describe the issue in detail. When scrolling with mouse or just pulling the sidebar to navigate chrome OR my data for example nvidia instant replay folder it looks horrible, it's all stuttery or screen teary, I am not sure, but it looks more teary than stuttery. Even typing looks and feels bad, like it's late by a few ms and games just feel weird, not like before, rarely it feels smooth. If I move the mouse around it's smooth, but any input such as scrolling or typing looks and feels bad, my skill in games is genuinely dropping down, it just feels bad

Other symptoms include: file explorer takes 2-3 seconds to load, right clicking folders takes 1-2 seconds to load. If i open a folder with gameplay videos and scroll all the way, let it all load (you can see it loads by the thumbnails) if I go all the way to a list and go up those videos that are up are loading again even after they already loaded.

When viewing videos sometimes it doesn't respond to my click, I am 100% sure that I click to let's say 45 seconds but it doesn't respond or I pause it, but it doesn't respond the first time
discord mysteriously restarted itself one time (and other apps at the same time, but forgot specifically which).

past few days I've had gta iv and apex legends crash without any error, gta iv froze before crashing and apex didn't, it crashed randomly when it was waiting for a match to load and iv crashed when i started shooting npcs, event viewer showed nothing at the time of these crashes.
youtube video sometimes but rarely makes some audio pop.

vegas pro crashes often with a message that it stopped responding (many people say it's normal for vegas, but i feel like it's impossible for a company that makes VFX to not care about it for years, yes, it's been crashing for years) since this thing uses the cpu and gpu the most i thought i'd mention it
a few days ago I had a BSOD when I turned on my pc, it said it will restart itself and it did and all was fine, event viewer said it created a dump file and said something about power, no idea how to read these
streaming a game on discord (game in question mostly valorant, a very easy to run game that i run on all low settings) makes it perform horrible (rubber banding and packet loss) and without streaming it's normal, 40 down, 15 up - ping 50 (stable, ethernet) no packet loss, literally 0% at all times with just an occasional every few minutes jump to 150ms


rtx 2060 super dual oc asus rev2
ryzen 3600 @ noctua nh-d15 chromax black stock no overclock
benq zowie xl 2546 @ 240hz
b450 tomahawk max
gskill ripjaws 2x16gb @3600mhz F4-3600C16D-32GVKC xmp dual channel
1 sata ssd
2xsata hdd
1x nvme ssd 970 evo (windows and competitive games i care about)
corsair rm750x
windows 10 pro legit license

current state of the pc:
temps normal
bios up to date
all drivers up to date
all firmware up to date
windows up to date
malwarebytes and defender full scan - 0 threats
compared my benchmark results to others using cinebench and superposition, seems fine

things i've tried:
  • bios reset no xmp no pbu
  • xmp at lower mhz
  • cmos reset
  • memtest86 - 0 errors
  • running pc without hard drives and sata ssd connected, just nvme, same slow explorer loading and right click menu loading
  • psu and ram are new
  • ddu
  • praying to god

all kinds of tweaks that a consumer simply does not need to do to fix this problem (I think of all deep tweaks as BS), but out of desperation I tried them all so if you feel like typing "just disable gamemode bro" don't do it, it's not worth it, I don't do any tweaks on my pc, this is an issue that is here because of hardware I think and hope
smoothscrolling and mouse scroll settings are not this issue, it's all stock
turning off nvidia instant replay and not even installing geforce experience using nvcleaninstall
windows is freshly installed when i had a problem for another reason, but back then I still had the problem and hoped that would fix it so I just gave up

Things worth mentioning:

this ram is not on the qvl list of the mbo and the website of this ram does not list my msi b450 chipset, I don't know how since I thought when I was buying this kit that it is supported, but it's a mystery, I always check this stuff, but somehow now I see that it's not on those lists, but googling around I saw people say if it works it works, if no errors no errors, all that means is that they didn't test it and that specific kit people say is great and bulletproof
afterburner in valorant looks stable around 200-280fps, but 1% low is around 130fps and 0.1% lows shows 3fps

snippet of msi afterburner in a deathmatch game of valorant at all low settings:

i don't know how to make the graph look better

If I could throw money around I'd just go and replace both cpu and gpu, but I really want to hear you people what do you think this could be and how I could diagnose it without other peoples pcs, visually I suspect the gpu, but it feels so slow and disgusting that I suspect this cheap cpu, I just don't feel good having this cpu, on paper it looks great and people talk good about it, but I don't know, now that I know about the 1% thing being more important I feel like I got scammed buying this cpu, what if it's the goddamn motherboard?

please help me good people


Mar 24, 2023
Hello, so ever since I got this PC I felt something was weird. I've written about this before, but I noticed that it's all visual, benchmarks look fine, I measured everything recently, temps are fine also even though I never changed the gpu thermals and I've had it for a while, but temps are normal, cpu thermal paste is regularly replaced.

So to describe the issue in detail. When scrolling with mouse or just pulling the sidebar to navigate chrome OR my data for example nvidia instant replay folder it looks horrible, it's all stuttery or screen teary, I am not sure, but it looks more teary than stuttery. Even typing looks and feels bad, like it's late by a few ms and games just feel weird, not like before, rarely it feels smooth. If I move the mouse around it's smooth, but any input such as scrolling or typing looks and feels bad, my skill in games is genuinely dropping down, it just feels bad

Other symptoms include: file explorer takes 2-3 seconds to load, right clicking folders takes 1-2 seconds to load. If i open a folder with gameplay videos and scroll all the way, let it all load (you can see it loads by the thumbnails) if I go all the way to a list and go up those videos that are up are loading again even after they already loaded.

When viewing videos sometimes it doesn't respond to my click, I am 100% sure that I click to let's say 45 seconds but it doesn't respond or I pause it, but it doesn't respond the first time
discord mysteriously restarted itself one time (and other apps at the same time, but forgot specifically which).

past few days I've had gta iv and apex legends crash without any error, gta iv froze before crashing and apex didn't, it crashed randomly when it was waiting for a match to load and iv crashed when i started shooting npcs, event viewer showed nothing at the time of these crashes.
youtube video sometimes but rarely makes some audio pop.

vegas pro crashes often with a message that it stopped responding (many people say it's normal for vegas, but i feel like it's impossible for a company that makes VFX to not care about it for years, yes, it's been crashing for years) since this thing uses the cpu and gpu the most i thought i'd mention it
a few days ago I had a BSOD when I turned on my pc, it said it will restart itself and it did and all was fine, event viewer said it created a dump file and said something about power, no idea how to read these
streaming a game on discord (game in question mostly valorant, a very easy to run game that i run on all low settings) makes it perform horrible (rubber banding and packet loss) and without streaming it's normal, 40 down, 15 up - ping 50 (stable, ethernet) no packet loss, literally 0% at all times with just an occasional every few minutes jump to 150ms


rtx 2060 super dual oc asus rev2
ryzen 3600 @ noctua nh-d15 chromax black stock no overclock
benq zowie xl 2546 @ 240hz
b450 tomahawk max
gskill ripjaws 2x16gb @3600mhz F4-3600C16D-32GVKC xmp dual channel
1 sata ssd
2xsata hdd
1x nvme ssd 970 evo (windows and competitive games i care about)
corsair rm750x
windows 10 pro legit license

current state of the pc:
temps normal
bios up to date
all drivers up to date
all firmware up to date
windows up to date
malwarebytes and defender full scan - 0 threats
compared my benchmark results to others using cinebench and superposition, seems fine

things i've tried:
  • bios reset no xmp no pbu
  • xmp at lower mhz
  • cmos reset
  • memtest86 - 0 errors
  • running pc without hard drives and sata ssd connected, just nvme, same slow explorer loading and right click menu loading
  • psu and ram are new
  • ddu
  • praying to god

all kinds of tweaks that a consumer simply does not need to do to fix this problem (I think of all deep tweaks as BS), but out of desperation I tried them all so if you feel like typing "just disable gamemode bro" don't do it, it's not worth it, I don't do any tweaks on my pc, this is an issue that is here because of hardware I think and hope
smoothscrolling and mouse scroll settings are not this issue, it's all stock
turning off nvidia instant replay and not even installing geforce experience using nvcleaninstall
windows is freshly installed when i had a problem for another reason, but back then I still had the problem and hoped that would fix it so I just gave up

Things worth mentioning:

this ram is not on the qvl list of the mbo and the website of this ram does not list my msi b450 chipset, I don't know how since I thought when I was buying this kit that it is supported, but it's a mystery, I always check this stuff, but somehow now I see that it's not on those lists, but googling around I saw people say if it works it works, if no errors no errors, all that means is that they didn't test it and that specific kit people say is great and bulletproof
afterburner in valorant looks stable around 200-280fps, but 1% low is around 130fps and 0.1% lows shows 3fps

snippet of msi afterburner in a deathmatch game of valorant at all low settings:

i don't know how to make the graph look better

If I could throw money around I'd just go and replace both cpu and gpu, but I really want to hear you people what do you think this could be and how I could diagnose it without other peoples pcs, visually I suspect the gpu, but it feels so slow and disgusting that I suspect this cheap cpu, I just don't feel good having this cpu, on paper it looks great and people talk good about it, but I don't know, now that I know about the 1% thing being more important I feel like I got scammed buying this cpu, what if it's the goddamn motherboard?

please help me good people
maybe purchase a cheap GPU for troubleshooting purposes.


Sep 17, 2019
maybe purchase a cheap GPU for troubleshooting purposes.
good suggestion, but it's okay, it's not that it's impossible for me to get someone to help me troubleshoot, i just don't want friends to give me their precious time :D
so you suspect a gpu? is there any way i can test this that involves a software or something? it's weird that i just can't find anyone with the same issue to atleast read it and go "AHA! THAT'S IT!"

i noticed this tearing gets worse when i switch off hardware acceleration in chrome

i found a particular website (some crypto i've just stumbled upon) is especially laggy when gpu accel is off, the stutter is hardcore on one part of the website when scrolling, does this indicate the cpu is struggling? happens in edge also when gpu accel is turned off, it's noticeable with accel, but without it's everpresent
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