Screen tearing with custom OC


Apr 22, 2014
I have a 1600x900 monitor and a 40" 1080P TV.
I would be playing games on my monitor but get tearing on my TV.
As I change voltages; power targets; GPU clock; and memory clock, the location of tearing changes.

The GPU is a Radeon R7 240X. The GPU clock speed is 1.035GHz and RAM clock speed is 1.72 GHz, Voltages (Mv) 1060 and power target is 0110%.
The reason for doing an OC is because some games (Specifically Minecraft) don't give me a good frame rate (less than 20 FPS)..

And, the TV is connected through a DVI to HDMI cable and the monitor is VGA.
There is no tearing at 900MHz.
Help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Screen tearing happens when you don't have VSYNC enabled.

When you overclock you simply get a higher frame rate which then changes the position the tear occurs.

Having said that, it's a fairly low end card anyway so I'm not sure what you can expect by overclocking. For example a 20% overclock would give you at most 24FPS if you got 20FPS before.
Screen tearing happens when you don't have VSYNC enabled.

When you overclock you simply get a higher frame rate which then changes the position the tear occurs.

Having said that, it's a fairly low end card anyway so I'm not sure what you can expect by overclocking. For example a 20% overclock would give you at most 24FPS if you got 20FPS before.