I have a 1600x900 monitor and a 40" 1080P TV.
I would be playing games on my monitor but get tearing on my TV.
As I change voltages; power targets; GPU clock; and memory clock, the location of tearing changes.
The GPU is a Radeon R7 240X. The GPU clock speed is 1.035GHz and RAM clock speed is 1.72 GHz, Voltages (Mv) 1060 and power target is 0110%.
The reason for doing an OC is because some games (Specifically Minecraft) don't give me a good frame rate (less than 20 FPS)..
And, the TV is connected through a DVI to HDMI cable and the monitor is VGA.
There is no tearing at 900MHz.
Help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I would be playing games on my monitor but get tearing on my TV.
As I change voltages; power targets; GPU clock; and memory clock, the location of tearing changes.
The GPU is a Radeon R7 240X. The GPU clock speed is 1.035GHz and RAM clock speed is 1.72 GHz, Voltages (Mv) 1060 and power target is 0110%.
The reason for doing an OC is because some games (Specifically Minecraft) don't give me a good frame rate (less than 20 FPS)..
And, the TV is connected through a DVI to HDMI cable and the monitor is VGA.
There is no tearing at 900MHz.
Help would be appreciated! Thanks!