SEAGATE 1TB Not Showing Also

Aug 9, 2018
I have cabled, with three different power, and SATA cables my new 1TB Seagate dr. However, the drive DOES NOT SHOW in disk manager, but does in device manager. It also will not POPULATE. I have been working with this 'stuff' off of all the suggestions I can find on the net, but nothing seems to be able to lead me to my new drive. I have an MSI mother, and she's working fine for all the other drives. I initially connected thru a co-wire off the power supply, but have since taken the power wire off my CD to see if that will make a difference. NO. The SATA cable is seperate and has no connection. I even tried using the connection to my working SEAGATE system drive; NO.
I have two screen shots of my disk manager and device manager. However I do not know how to introduce them into this forum format. Any suggestions that lead to a solution would be greatly appreciated by this DAV. TKS.

Shows in BIOS. Attempted to download DOS verzion of Seatools, no luck there. Have installed the disc now with separate SATA cable and ALL of my drives are showing in BIOS, and Device Manager, but no where else.

So none of your drives are seen in disk manager or only the Seagate one? Do you have access to another computer to test the drive on?

Well since all of my drives are SEAGATE. I wish there was a way to show you the ScreenShots so you could see what I see. Here is what I have tried in the interim: Using a W10 ISO I tried to populate the new drive - Drive Not Ready. Your suggestion on downloading the DOS version of SeaTools met with "UDDER" failure, as the program says it will only download to NFTS formatted media; but will not download to NFTS formatted CD-R, nor will it download to NFTS formatted USB flash drive. I had W/SEATOOLS and it ID'd the drive, but that was all it did. Drive shows in BIOS, as discussed, shows in DiscManager, but in PROPERTIES when I ask to populate: Disc not ready. Using CMD I have attempted to access the disc with an arbitrary ID, not recognized. DISCMANAGER/WIZARD from Seagate sees all my drives, except the new one. I have other computers, but NONE have the motherboard for this type of SATA drive so I cannot connect it. The drive itself vibrates, and is warm, and I can hear it spinning; so I know it is active, but it JUST WON'T SHOW UP in the program! Strange, I know - I've been working with these things since the late 60's, and I am completely BAFFLED by this one!!

In all honesty seems like you have tried everything possible. Suggest to check the warranty and get in touch with support as well.

Well, after all this, it appears - according to HDTunePro - that the disc DOES have bad sectors; therefore I returned it to the dealer, and received another in exchange. THIS ONE WORKS - well; sort of. Maybe you can provide a solution to this problem: I initialized the 1TB using the standard procedure. I initialized it as Boot Record able. I then used the SeagateDiscMgr to clone my c drive to the 1TB. This all went fine; I then switched my BIOS to show the 1TB as the initial boot drive: Half and hour of nothing. Switched back to my c drive, and as you can tell everything is working smoothly. My question: Why, if the 1TB is a 'perfect' clone of my Local Disc, won't the computer boot from the clone. TKS.

Had tried that using the 'program' but it did not work. So being practical, I just unplugged the C, and Y E P the clone booted just fine. Amazing but leaves me to wonder.
Now, I have taken the 500GB Seagate [my original] out of the computer. I have transferred it to another case, where the original drive is a MAXTOR w/W10 on it. Using the same principle [because I know that the Seagate works and does boot] I plugged it in; Not Recognized as a boot drive. This after making sure that I had gone thru DEvice Manager, and had the drive added, then was able to populate both drives. No matter what configuration, or wire I use --- if I don't have the old drive plugged in, the computer will not boot. Both drives are recognized in BIOS, and when the Seagate is up, I can work with it, it just WON'T BOOT the computer. Any ideas on that?
Re the first case, I take it that the Seagate boots when the clone is not installed ? I suspect another clone application might work but that's a problem if the system will not allow both drives installed at once even when one is a storage. So see below.

Re the second case, you cannot install a windows drive from one system to another and expect it to boot unless the components are very similar. I take it that the second system will boot the Maxtor and windows will recognize the Seagate as a storage drive but not boot the Seagate . That's to be expected. The Seagate is a boot drive only on the system where windows was installed.What about the clone. Does case two perform the same way when the clone and the Maxtor are installed , i.e., the clone is recognized only as storage ?
If so then you have access to it there and can consider what you want from the clone. Storage or boot drive.

The drive now working in my 'everyday' computer is the TB clone. No problem with it booting at all.
The second system is W10, and was just upgraded from VISTA by utilizing the ISO package released by MS when they first opened up 10 to the public. The 5g drive was upgraded from 7 to 10, using the same ISO so both drives have the same programming on them; in addition to all of the 'stuff'' that was on the 5g drive that I cloned off to the TB drive. It stands to reason [but of course computers do not reason, that is logical] that a Seagate drive could replace a Maxtor drive, that had replaced a WD drive five years ago. Since they are all running the same program ?...?
Both drives are SATA, and all plugs to the drives are SATA. Again both drives will show in BIOS; Disk Mgr and Disk Mgt; as well as showing in SeagateDiscWiz; each with their own partititons. Just like when I cloned the TB. It is not real imperative that the 5g work in the 2d box, but it would be nice. I really don't want to re-partition it and loose all the data, even tho I could probably clone it from the clone now. But then again, would it still work in that case. TKS for your patience.