Seagate 3t backup not functioning. after Win 10 install


May 26, 2010
There is a lot of info here because I have tried many things. I will try to keep it orderly.

PROBLEMS: Can't get 3t Seagate backup plus with Dashboard to do a backup. I have had problems before but this time I am stumped. I start with the drive empty (or reformatted NTFS) and it shows on the dashboard. I create the plan and manually start the backup. I run the Task manager and I can see data transferring from the target to the backup. In around ten minutes the transfer stops entirely. In another half hour Windows 10 slows down and freezes. Only a hard reboot fixes it.

Earlier today it was starting out the same but it Failed after 3 to 10 minutes. The reason listed on the log was that it was due to loss of contact with the drive (Code 10). I found settings for each drive and unchecked the box to reduce power when inactive. When I did that it started to hang and freeze.

I gave an exclamation mark on USB HCI Compliant Hose in the device manager. I cannot seem to get it working. This might be the problem

Updating the drivers for the Host but Win 10 says they are the newest. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled. I have had it search windows update. I have also used a 3rd party app to check for drivers. I was desperate. I updated the drivers in ASRock and tried a number of suggested drivers.

I uninstalled and reinstalled Dashboard.

I formatted the drive numerous times.

I tried using other backup programs including Aomei and Easus with similar results.

I checked the drive with Seatools and windows.

I am trying a backup on my laptop with win7 64 pro sp1 and it is running so far.

I have tried each set of usb outlets because this board does handle them slightly differently. I even tried USB2.

I have always had occasional problems with this drive and software but it always ran eventually on win 7 and XP. It was working when I switched to Windows 10.

Any help would be appreciated. I'll try anything. I suspect that buying a new drive or software won't help.

Hello kahoona. A potential catalyst to this disappearing drive could be a cable or port. Suggestions would be trying different cables, ports and even a different computer. Also, take a look at our knowledge base on external USB's. We see that you have run Seatools already but we suggest a long generic scan and see if it can be completed as the backup process could be running into bad sectors thus not completing the process. We also are including our warranty link just in case. Best of luck.

Perhaps the drive is simply failing, never overlook the obvious....

However, powering off drives in the middle of a failed transfer (sometimes necessary, but, not good for the filesystem) can leave them in a 'dubious' state...

you might need to delete/quick format them from within Admin Tools/Computer Mngmt/ Storage/Disk Mngmt to effectively start over if a drive is in a 'confused state'....assuming it still shows in the BIOS...

if drive has truly failed, try a new 1 or 2 TB drive for $30-$50 at most...
Thanks MDD1963. I tried that already though. I also did use the drive to store a temporary copy of my OS and it worked great! I noted that I was trying it out on my laptop with win 7 and it worked there. Just out of curiosity I just transferred a 31g file from another disc using Windows, not Dashboard. It did the transfer in six minutes. I am really puzzled.
Hello kahoona. A potential catalyst to this disappearing drive could be a cable or port. Suggestions would be trying different cables, ports and even a different computer. Also, take a look at our knowledge base on external USB's. We see that you have run Seatools already but we suggest a long generic scan and see if it can be completed as the backup process could be running into bad sectors thus not completing the process. We also are including our warranty link just in case. Best of luck.

Exclamation marks in device mngr are not good, perhaps you need to find your specific chipset drivers to reload them, or, you can try deleting assorted USB controllers, hitting reset, letting them be redetected, etc.....(I'd prefer to use MB/laptop manufacturer drivers vs. default MS drivers, however...)

Try a backup of a different computer to see if the drive can image other computers....

(Are you using the latest version of Dashboard?)

(might try removing/reinstalling software, perhaps a Windows update botched something....

GSmrtControl has short/long tests also....and lets you pull up any SMART related error history...

So true! I have been working on that and have tried everything you mentioned except deleting assorted USB controllers. I was afraid I would loose use of the usb's. I have 13 USB controllers. I wish I could add a screenshot. How can I find out what usb drivers to get rid of?
I did run a back up on my win 7 laptop and it worked fine.
Yes. Latest Dashboard newly re-installed.
No smart related problems according to a couple of apps.
Currently running the long generic on seatools as suggested by Surfer.
I would like to try it using a PCIe USB device which might bypass any Windows problems but my Rosewill RC-508 PCI-E to USB 3.0 is having trouble with it's drivers too. Working on that.
Thanks so much for the suggestions


Thanks. Tried different new cable and several different ports. Tried generic long and it failed. Working on Seagates suggestions to fix. Will let you know. Thanks.
Disk wizzard will not install so I am using the Sea tools long repair.


Failed long repair and long test. You are right. Time for a new one.


I did check for a warranty bot the checker does not recognize the serial number. The Support does not recognize the model number either. It is an old one! I hust ordered a new Seagate 6T external drive which is more what I need anyway. I'll be back if it won't work either ;-D


Glad to have worked with you sir and thank you for keeping us in mind.