Seagate 3TB disk showing only 3.86GB unallocated nothing else


Jul 24, 2017
Have a Seagate 3TB disk that has been connected but not actively used/checked for a couple of months, when I was trying to access it today, I found it did not show up under My Computer

This disk has always been only one partition, for the full size.

I then checked Disk Management, and the disk shows up as Unknown 3.86GB Unallocated
That is all it shows, the rest of the diskspace is not listed, so missing the rest of the 3TB. I tried running seatools, drive information shows

Mode Number: Expansion Disk
Serial Number 2HC015KJ
Firmware: 070B
Drive Capacity 4.14GB/3.86GB
Max LBA 8089949
Cache Size --
Drive Temperatire (C/F) 0/32
Sector size 512/512/0
Form Factor ----
Specification Supported: ATA8-ACS
Host Protection Area Features Enabled
Mandatory Power Management enabled
Download Microcode: Segmented

Short and long Generic tests fail
Short drive self test passes

Mini tool partition wizard on full scan only finds the 3.86GB partition (status lost/deleted), and I have not dared select it and click finish as I have no idea if that would be a bad idea.

Minitools Power Data Recovery: lost partition recovery does not find any file system information. Damaged partition recovery does not find the disk.

Stupidly I do have a bit of information on the drive that was not backed up, though nothing completely irreplaceable.

So my question is, is there any hope here at all for this drive? And if I sacrifice the data is there anyway to bring it back to working condition?

The disk is still under Norway's 5 year HDD manufacturers construction fault warranty, so I can get it replaced if it is beyond rescue.
It is likely recoverable, but not as a DIY. You will need the assistance of a professional data recovery lab. Odds are, at least one head has failed. If you are lucky, it is just a firmware issue and some bad sectors.
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your drive. As far as recovering the data goes, we have to agree that a pro recovery lab is probably your best bet. This can be expensive, so it just depends on whether it makes more sense to you to pay the price or not. Seagate offers Recovery Services, including In-Lab Recovery, and there are also good 3rd party options out there, you'd just have to do some research as far as where others recommend.

You can also check on any potential warranty information for the drive by going to our Warranty Validation tool. You can get in touch directly with Seagate Customer Support here if needed.
Thanks for the advice, was about what I was expecting. The disk is long since out of seagate warranty.

The content of the disk is not worth the cost of sending it for recovery, so I contacted the firm that sold the disk and will be getting a replacement instead.