I bought a Seagate Backup Plus Slim 1TB, powered by USB.
I took it out of the box and plugged it into my PC. It was recognised and all worked well. Great. I could access files and it worked as expected.
A little later, I was transferring data to the drive. It was a large amount of data and so I went away from the computer. When I came back, the drive was no longer listed in My Computer, where it had been before. So I disconnected the drive and reconnected it to see what happened. This did not fix it, in fact now Windows (Windows 7 64 bit) was telling me that it needed to be formatted, even though it had worked fine just hours earlier. I tried a few more times disconnecting and reconnecting, and I got a variety of problems. Sometimes it made a beeping sound, sometimes Windows would tell me 'the parameter is an error' and sometimes it just wouldn't recognise it at all.
Here's what I've tried so far:
I've taken the HD out and tried it again several times on the same computer. No improvement. I then used it on another computer, and it was giving me the same errors.
I don't have anything backed up on it, but I just wanted to check before I sent it back - this does sound like it's broken right?
I took it out of the box and plugged it into my PC. It was recognised and all worked well. Great. I could access files and it worked as expected.
A little later, I was transferring data to the drive. It was a large amount of data and so I went away from the computer. When I came back, the drive was no longer listed in My Computer, where it had been before. So I disconnected the drive and reconnected it to see what happened. This did not fix it, in fact now Windows (Windows 7 64 bit) was telling me that it needed to be formatted, even though it had worked fine just hours earlier. I tried a few more times disconnecting and reconnecting, and I got a variety of problems. Sometimes it made a beeping sound, sometimes Windows would tell me 'the parameter is an error' and sometimes it just wouldn't recognise it at all.
Here's what I've tried so far:
I've taken the HD out and tried it again several times on the same computer. No improvement. I then used it on another computer, and it was giving me the same errors.
I don't have anything backed up on it, but I just wanted to check before I sent it back - this does sound like it's broken right?