[citation][nom]NikeWK[/nom]please explain! you've got me all confused![/citation]
I'll give you the (hopefully) simplified version
1) A "stuttering" problem is found with the 1.5TB hard drives. Seagate releases a firmware update only accessible through customer service (standard operating procedure for Seagate).
2) A bricking problem, seperate to the above stuttering, is found in the other drives in the 7200.11, ES.2 SATA and DiamondMax 22 drives. This is the journal/log problem I was talking about. You can not reflash the firmware once this problem affects your drive.
3) A firmware fix is release to the public (rather than only through customer service) to correct the journal issue. It ends up causing 500GB drives to screw up. They weren't "bricked" per se, because they could be reflashed, whereas the journal problem would prevent reflashing as well. I used inverted commas around "bricking" in the last paragraph because it's not truly bricked, but it doesn't function correctly. Perhaps I should have used another word entirely, but now you know.
4) Seagate pulls the firmware update.
5) Seagate releases a new firmware update (mentioned right at the end) that corrects (we hope anyway) all of the previously mentioned problems and fixes 500GB drives.
I hope that makes sense.