Seagate Expansion Portable 1TB has died???


Oct 3, 2014
Hello, my Seagate Expansion Portable Drive (1TB - about 1 year old) was accidentally unplugged from my laptop (not 'safely removed') and now it beeps quietly about half a dozen times when it is plugged in but doesn't show up in Explorer and the light doesn't come on. It shows up in the Devices in the Control Panel but I can't open it from there.
Is it possible to recover the data??
Thank you!
I've been through the Seagate Troubleshooting, and in the Computer Management's Disk Management window it is appearing as Unallocated, which Seagate deems as: "If it is seen as Unallocated... the drive's partition has been corrupted or lost"
Is my only option to send to a data recovery specialist - and are they likely to be able to recover it??