Seagate Keeps Getting Full! Any way to get auto-delete of older data?


Dec 12, 2015
I Have a Seagate Backup Plus 4 TB, using Seagate Dashboard. I first used continuous backup, and that filled the drive in 2 months. Seagate said to delete everything, and do daily backup instead. That filled the drive in 2 months also. It seems using Seagate Dashboard means full delete every 2 months! What if my system drive goes down during this reset? I guess Seagate's solution is to buy 2 drives. None of the glowing reviews mention this unacceptable cycle. Am I missing something? Is there a way, in Seagate Dashboard or other software, to maintain an up-to-date backup of the most recent week, with older backup data automatically deleted, so the drive will not need constant attention?
File compression, at best, would only mean 4 months between full deletes. I'm hoping to eliminate completely the need for periodic deletes of the whole disk. I get the impression that some software will auto-delete older backups, while maintaining recent backups without interruption. This would ensure continuous backup security, with room always available on the disk, assuming the disk is appropriate size. I'm backing up two 1 TB disks, each of which is about 2/3 full. My Seagate backup disk is 4 TB. Most of my data is photos.