Search download OpenVPN Portable for Windows 10, I don't found a working version.


Sep 27, 2016
Hi to all,
I would like a portable OpenVPN version.
The official OpenVPN Portable version don't work on Windows 10.
I search in net with google but I don't found a working version.
I found on 2 blogs a new 2016 version but I'm scare to use it because the source is not safe.
Did somebody can give me a working version.
I can't believe that nobody use a portable OpenVPN version.
Thank you in advance for a help or hint.
Kind Regards,
Hi COLGeek,
Thank you very much for your respond and your wishes.
I can't believe that don't exist a alternative project.
There are so many clever people around here.
Maybe I will try at self OpenVPN with Thinstall.
Thank you.
Best Wishes,
I have not seen a free version of these. Almost all require you install something which is the main thing that win10 has moved to require admin mode. If you have admin mode then it almost all the vpn client work. The so called purpose of the portable ones was to use something that did not require software install.

The main one I have seen is cisco anyconnect but it is costly and I think the clientless sslvpn.. only works with their vpn box. Juniper used to sell a similar product but I have not used it since win10 came out.
Hi bill001g,
thank you for your input. The admin rights are not the problem.
On these Computer, I have admin rights. But it doesn't work.
I know OpenVPN Portable are outdated. Ok, before on Windows XP OpenVPN Portable works good without problem.
I'm willing to pay for a solution, that's not the problem.
But it would be cool if the solution is portable.
Best Wishes,
I mean "portable" like
I know you need to install a TAP driver, but it exist script to install and deinstall the driver after using the VPN Tool.
I would like to use a VPN Client on the Computer from my friends, without installing a tool and drivers.
I using a UTM Astaro/Sophos Firewall and before on WindowsXP/Windows7 with OpenVPNPortable and .ovpn they works.
I'm physically on my friends computer, my friend sitting always on my side and he see everything what I'm doing. I need a SSL VPN Connection to my files and to my network shares. I use Astaro/Sophos UTM Firewall. The Firewall give me a solution to install a Astaro SSL VPN Client to create a VPN Connection with the .ovpn file and all keys.
But I don't want to install anything on my friends or customer computer and I don't want to leave any registry entry or install-files.

This is the reason why I want to using a portable solution (using tool from USB flash drives, without installation).
This is the plan and this works perfect on Windows XP and Win 7. But now OpenVPN Portable it's not supported anymore and
I CAN'T BELIEVE that nobody on net have the same issue and problems like me. 6 years before the VPN was so popular and everyone have using VPN in business and private scenarios. OpenVPN was so popular and now, nobody have interest to continue the discontinued OpenVPN Portable. Everytime you see enthusiast people in net but now on OpenVPN Portable I see nobody. I don't have the knowledge to create a NSIS, Autoit, install batch thing. So I know only Thinstall or now ThinApp from VMWare.
I can try to create a portable version from OpenVPN but it would be a problem, because I need to create a script for installing/deinstalling the TAP driver. So that's the only reason why I ask here in your big and old community to found maybe some clever people that have the same issue with OpenVPN Portable like me. 😉
You only "think" it ran the way you say on win 7 or xp. It DID install a driver and make changes to the registry. You are just seeing it now because they changed this to now require admin level privilege. I can't see why it is any different you were actually installing and deleting things in the past so if it was fine then why is it still not fine now.

If you have someone that allows it just boot a complete linux image off the USB that run 100% from memory and the USB. This of course take bios level access but you do not actually change anything.

Why not just use something like teamviwer on your home pc set to auto accept remote connections.
Yes you are right, they exist many other solutions like teamviewer, logmein and so on and that would be a last alternative solution for me.
But it would be cool that still working with my Firewall and OpenVPN Portable. That's the reason why I have interests in Information Technology. I'm in ascendant Aquarius and Aquarius are interest about technique. IT its also a fun not only technically stuff. It's a kind of symbiosis. 😉

\\Edit: The other solution would be, I use the standard VPN from Microsoft but this is only L2TP/IPsec.
This also work with my Firewall. This work also and I don't need any tools, it's integrated on board Windows.