FYI... As one of the best recovery techs in my county, these are the top 4 tools I recommend to EVERYONE. And FREE, but remember to give them a hand for giving you a hand at an easy way to stay safe and clean.
I RECOMMEND ABOVE ALL, not to use a console package deal. If one part is compromized, the whole thing is defeated. So I use 4 on all machines and a 5th on better machines.
Malwarebytes Antimalware is a MUST HAVE, update regularly, and use often. It is the best tool to find and remove MALICIOUS SOFTWARES, like Fake AV, and Windows AV 2010, ect. By Malwarebytes.
Avast 5 (4.8 for older machines) is the most trouble free Anti-Virus with a free version you can use with a once per year free registration until you feel experienced enough to buy a subscription for. By Avast.
Spybot Search & Destroy 1.62 has the best immunization feature. It has an extensive Advanced set of tools if you think your ready to get into them, and a good forum to follow. By SaferNetworking
Spywareblaster 4.2 is an excellent malicious web site filter, the fastest, and simplest tool to keep up to date and enabled, less than 1 minute per week. It will assist you in NOT getting bad keyloggers and spywares on your system. By JavaCool Software.
Shareing 5th place are two great tools, but a little to invasive for older machines. With the first 4, you should be fine on older machines. But remember, you can still get these next two and install them to assist cleaning up, then remove them, when finished, because they will be running in the background, and an older machine like 1.4 gig cpu is going to struggle with just an antivirus running in the background, and you can't do with out that today.
SUPERAntiSpyware and Ad-Aware
AD-AWARE ( and pay very close attention to that name, too many are tricked into getting the extreemly malicious "ADWARE" instead of "AD-AWARE", the latest version has incorporated a very simple GUI (graphical user interface, or LOOKS in laymens terms). It does now run in real time also makeing it too agressive for older machines, but you can remove half the protection, and lean it out, but thats defeating the pourpose. By Lavasoft.
And the other Last Resort Tool of choice is SUPERAntiSpyware. If you have a good Dual core or newer pc running at a good speed over 2gigs, you may just want to add this to the first 4 as a well rounded package of protection. By SUPERAntiSpyware.
ONLY use SUPERAntiSpyware for tough persistent problems, and if you have plenty of RAM and a decent CPU.
Those problems of your current security software being contaminated and not finding or removing those known threats you can manually see, this program will help greatly to dig out.
It is ok to use it and remove it, when finished, as it is very startup aggressive and slows a lot of older systems down to a crawl (3 years or older). This doesn't mean it isn't good, it is good and powerful, it's just very process hungry in it's assault against those pests, not just in scanning, but being on your system it runs in real time like your anti-virus program, so it becomes a big problem on a machine with limited resources. It has a limited control free version, and a very extensive paid for subscription.
Windows Defender is an ok standby defense tool, that digs windows systems files for various things. But never rely on it, I have only seen it find 1 item since it was out and I work on a lot of pc's daily. I have seen every kind of threat in action, and repaired the computers they infected.
As you run SPYBOT S&D after immunizing, sit and watch the names on the status bar at the lower left corner to get familiar with those names, it will help you to avoid the SCAMMERS who will lay in wait to TRICK you into clicking something and getting infected and compromising your security system.
These steps above I have just listed, you can drop into most shops and request them to be done for you at a going rate of $89 and up, just as a general cleanup. BUT if they have to work at getting them installed and running, it could a lot more. But now with those program names you can do it free....
That is why I mentioned who each product is made BY......
Ad-Aware By Lavasoft has hundreds of FAKES like;
Ad-Ware 2008 or 2009 or 2010
On top of all, Learn PATHS, local computer paths, and internet paths, and as you begin to see the structures, your safety and security becomes much easier to handle....
Enjoy... JA37 VertigoAirlines (The Original)