Search Indexer won't start


Oct 12, 2014
Got pissed of at Windows 10 asking me permission to edit my own files and took ownership of my whole drive, now the searchindexer won't start.
Well, you did something very stupid and your computer got pissed. Most likely you locked out windows functions by taking ownership, and won't be able to fix it without reverting each and every permission change.

Just for your information, Windows will NEVER ask for permission to edit files in the user folder or secondary drives. If it does, you might have a virus/malware
Well, you did something very stupid and your computer got pissed. Most likely you locked out windows functions by taking ownership, and won't be able to fix it without reverting each and every permission change.

Just for your information, Windows will NEVER ask for permission to edit files in the user folder or secondary drives. If it does, you might have a virus/malware