Searching for a gaming monitor

not you

May 14, 2015
Hello guys

Im trying to find a good quality gaming monitor for my pc my budget is about 300$
My build:
I7 6700k
Gtx 1080
16gb ram
The monitor im using now is a 900p(1440x900) one thats quite old

The games i mostly play nowdays are shadow of war league of legends divinity original sin starcraft 2 civilization vi fable 3 skyrim (wo graphics mods for now)

Im interested in having a monitor with g-sync since i heared its realy good but never had the chanse to try it myself
also i heared ips screens look better about this im not sure thou

Im not that into 4k (althou i doubt my budged would even fit for a 4k monitor)

But i wouldnt mind something thats "just" full hd
Althou i would prefer 1440p over 1080p or ultra wide (if my system can run it with most of my games)

I found the Acer Predator XB240HBbmjdpr that i think would work well with my build :)
On the shop's site it's said to have g-sync and it has vga connection thats a HUGE plus realy hard to find a monitor with one ;P
Or the AOC AG241QG even thou its a bit over the budget i think i could manage to scrape together the difference xP

Thank you for your suggestions :)
Your system can certainly handle 1440p. I would suggest you consider larger monitors as 1440p is very dense on a 24". G-sync with your video card is mostly going to be helpful if you select a monitor with a higher than 60hz refresh rate. Otherwise you can ignore it. I play on a 32" 1440p 60hz montitor and love it. This is not my first 30"+ monitor.
I own, and do not like a 28" 4k monitor as it is too dense and so I use that as a 2nd screen (also at 1440p). I tried the ultra-wides but they aren't tall enough and many of my favorite older games had problems on them.
Ignore VGA. It is dead. displayport 1.4 or HDMI 2.0 is what you need.

Here is a fairly complete list of g-sync monitors...
Your system can certainly handle 1440p. I would suggest you consider larger monitors as 1440p is very dense on a 24". G-sync with your video card is mostly going to be helpful if you select a monitor with a higher than 60hz refresh rate. Otherwise you can ignore it. I play on a 32" 1440p 60hz montitor and love it. This is not my first 30"+ monitor.
I own, and do not like a 28" 4k monitor as it is too dense and so I use that as a 2nd screen (also at 1440p). I tried the ultra-wides but they aren't tall enough and many of my favorite older games had problems on them.
Ignore VGA. It is dead. displayport 1.4 or HDMI 2.0 is what you need.

Here is a fairly complete list of g-sync monitors: and have the most detailed monitor reviews.

TN panels are faster (for gaming) but are ugly.
IPS panels have the best colors and are generally very fast.
VA panels have the highest contrast and so have the clearest text. They also have the same color quality as an IPS except that the colors shift a little depending on viewing angle. They also tend to be slightly slower than IPS panels. I prefer VA with IPS a reasonably close 2nd.
The other big thing to look out for is PWM. I hate it. It gives me headaches. It is Pulse Width Modulation. The strobing of the screen to control brightness. Most better monitors do not do this. Many "gaming" ones do.

With your budget you are probably going to have to choose size and resolution OR g-sync. I would go with the better panel and forget about g-sync until the price comes down or you feel like spending ~700.

The Acer Predator XB240H is a TN. Fast, but ugly image. It is also only 1080p.
The AOC AG241QG is also a TN. Faster, and just as ugly an image but 1440p.

The AAcer Predator XB271HU is 500. Is is 27" 1440p, does not use PWM, does not use a TN panel. It does have g-sync.
It also supports 10 bit color (8bit + frc). Over your budget, but a great monitor.
Thank you

Well the ips version of that monitor is 700$ the 500$ one is listed as tn
500$ would be fine but the 700$ territory is where i didnt realy want to go but i guess if ill be able to use this for a very long time ill look around for how good is acer's support with a good warranty i might settle for the hb271hu xP

Thank you for the detailed response