Seasonic m12ii 620 - cpu connector


Jun 7, 2017
Ok so quick query

Bought a new motherboard for ryzen

Asus crosshair hero 6

Like an idiot, dint check the requirements,
Found out it needs 8 + 4 pins for cpu on top

Do I need to buy a new psu or can I buy a 4 pin connector and plug it into the cpu/ pcie slot

Rather not buy a new psu, since this one is rougly 5 months old

And fits the power requirement
Question from Imad__Aman : "Seasonic m12ii - 620 eps cable"

While I'm sure a connector of some description could work from a quality PSU (like the M12II), I can't say I'd recommend it.

Usually, any supplementary power for CPU connectors are for extreme Overclocking...... I'd expect you should be able to run at 'normal' overclocks (or stock) speeds with just the 8 pin populated.

You'll need a newer PSU platform (the M12II is dated at this point) to have the extra CPU connectors.
Doesn't have to be really high wattage or break the bank though....
The SuperNOVA G3 from EVGA comes with
2 x 8pin (4+4) EPS (CPU),%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
I was planning on keeping it stock, for now anyway.

So the worst that can happen if I try with my current psu ( only 8 pin populated ) is that it won't boot?

Only 'oc' will be the ram - to about 3000
Likely, using only the 8 pin cpu connector will work.
Nothing will be damaged if it does not.
Extra 4 pin power might be needed to power the pcie slots if you are using dual cards or heavily overclocking.
Sometimes, aux cpu power ports need to be populated even if they are not needed for power.

Regardless, I see no problem using a molex to 4 pin adapter cable with a good quality psu like yours.
Question from Imad__Aman : "Seasonic m12ii - 620 eps cable"


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